Northwest Indiana Discussion

Hamm part of the Lake County Problem?
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Author:  justcallmetommy [ Sun Nov 18, 2012 11:17 am ]
Post subject:  Hamm part of the Lake County Problem?

Found the following comment on the Times message board. Seems like McDermott is looking at Hamm to fill Repay's Lake County Council shoes.

Hamm is a real team player.

Of Special interest is the link to from the streets. Apparently someone got copies of Moore's OT pay, and included a copy of the City Ordinance quoting, "The Chief, Deputy Chief are not eligible for OT or call out compensation." Yet Moore held on to $26k of OT.

Note what appears to be Dave Hamm's signature on the overtime slip. I just love it, Moore got paid to visit sick fire fighters. Does that mean he wouldn't visit them on his own time and Hamm approved of visiting sick fire fighters on the tax payer's dime? Now that is a wise use of tax dollars! :smt002


Winston8724 - November 16, 2012 7:24 am
Well, Wounder I see you think Mr. Hamm is a stand up guy, sorta like McDermott calling Cantrell a stand up guy.

In separate incidents Hamm and one of his subordinates drove a city vehicle 200 miles to a football tailgate party, where alcohol was consumed. Hamm, as Fire Chief knew better, but still was so cheap, he chose to break city policy using tax payer's resources to pay for gas and wear and tear on a city vehicle. Hamm allowed another pal of his to do the same.

Hamm has been a rank and file union member, Deputy Chief and Chief. Hamm signed off on one of Tom's political friends to receiving $26,000 of Overtime Pay. The McDermott spin machine spun news media to think that overtime payment was honestly earned. Both McDermott and Hamm knew Deputy Chief Pat Moore Jr was not eligible for over time pay, by city ordinance, but Hamm chose instead to sign off on $26,000 in overtime and cover up the facts. No one asked for that money back.

Hammond Ordinance reads "the Deputy Chief are not eligible for overtime or call out compensation."

Seems like Hamm has two sets of rules, one for friends of his and friends of Tom and then rules for everyone else. Don't forget Hamm re assigned 5 members of the Fire Department Union's executive board members because they supported another candidate.

Yea it sure looks like Hamm is concerned about Lake County. Seems like more of a criminal enterprise at the tax payer's expense.

check the link out:




Author:  justcallmetommy [ Sun Nov 18, 2012 3:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hamm part of the Lake County Problem?

I wish I could claim authorship of the above, but I can't.

You Got to visit: some interesting stuff on it.

Author:  Tiger1 [ Sun Nov 18, 2012 9:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hamm part of the Lake County Problem?

HOLY MOLEY !!! If the laws/regulations say he cannot get overtime, then why did he? I guess you gotta be in the right circles to get these kinds of outlandish perks !

Author:  lubu [ Sun Nov 18, 2012 9:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hamm part of the Lake County Problem?

The OT report itemizes public relations "work" at little leagues, etc? WTF!? We pay...OT BTW, for a firefighter to go to a little league parade or other such nonsense? My innocence is shattered! From now on, every time I see a cop or firefighter at a civic function, I'll have to wonder if we're paying them 50plus bucks an hour to be there or if they are genuinely volunteering!

Author:  LaughingAtLakeCo [ Mon Nov 19, 2012 5:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Hamm part of the Lake County Problem?

Huh!? I've seen the t-shirts at malls! These guys are brothers! I thought they have each other's backs through thick and thin and it turns out they have to get paid to go visit each other in the hospital. They pay these guys to ride on their trucks in 4th of July parades and throw candy to little kids? This is why LC needs a county income tax? So firemen can get paid to visit each other in the hospital?

Of course, they do run into buildings when everyone else is running out. Just ask them.

Author:  bert68 [ Mon Nov 19, 2012 11:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Hamm part of the Lake County Problem?

O.T. to go to a little league game? Jesus Christ, this has to be investigated. I don't want this guy anywhere near the county budget.

Author:  LaughingAtLakeCo [ Mon Nov 19, 2012 1:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hamm part of the Lake County Problem?

Well, if he wasn't there--and being paid nicely--people would've died. Is that what you want?

Remember, these guys are all our heroes.

Author:  bert68 [ Mon Nov 19, 2012 5:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hamm part of the Lake County Problem?

You know LALC, I had forgotten the "people will die" bullshit. I honestly don't know how these guys sleep at night. And Hamm is a consultant to the Mayor? I truly want to know how that time sheet is acceptable. Put me down for a couple of hours of OT for whatever. It's no wonder why the rest of the state thinks we're as crooked as a dogs hind leg in LC.

Author:  LaughingAtLakeCo [ Mon Nov 19, 2012 7:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hamm part of the Lake County Problem?

They probably sleep very well at night, what with days full of ogling girls from the bench in front of the station, an hour or two of three on three basketball, firehouse barbecues, waxing their cars....and....oh yeah....running into buildings when everyone else is running out. These guys are heroes, you know.

The reason you forgot about the "people will die" crap is that these guys are so good at what they do. For a mere $50+ per hour, the citizens of Hammond can go to little league games and not die. If these guys weren't there (it only looks like they are shaking hands and passing out plastic fire helmets) all the little leaguers would die and then who would be left to play on those $1,500,000 baseball fields? Absentee landlords with multiple illegal homestead exemptions, that's who. Further, I personally think it is pretty selfless of these guys to go visit their injured "brothers" in the hospital. $55/hour breaks down to less than $0.00068 per Hammond resident for each one hour visit these heroes pay to their brothers. Is that too much to pay to perpetuate such comradery? Give 'em a break. They haven't had a raise in several months now.

And as for Mr. Hamm being a consultant to the Mayor? I don't know the guy, but try to look at this from a glass half-full perspective. Steve Fowler could be there in this hero's place.

Author:  Tiger1 [ Mon Nov 19, 2012 7:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hamm part of the Lake County Problem?

LaughingAtLakeCo wrote:

And as for Mr. Hamm being a consultant to the Mayor? I don't know the guy, but try to look at this from a glass half-full perspective. Steve Fowler could be there in this hero's place.

OH THE HORROR !!! :lol:

Author:  xmpt [ Mon Nov 19, 2012 11:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hamm part of the Lake County Problem?

From the same "Street" that was kicked out of the Mayors office for trying to extort money for positive influence? Great Source.

As for the volunteers. Ordinance requires paramedics be at an event where an abundance of people will be and the risk of injury prevalent, but dont let your lack of knowledge sway your lack of intelligence.

Author:  lubu [ Tue Nov 20, 2012 12:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Hamm part of the Lake County Problem?

xmpt wrote:
From the same "Street" that was kicked out of the Mayors office for trying to extort money for positive influence? Great Source.

As for the volunteers. Ordinance requires paramedics be at an event where an abundance of people will be and the risk of injury prevalent, but dont let your lack of knowledge sway your lack of intelligence.

How does "xmpt" know who was kicked out of the Mayor's office? How do they know who "Street" is? Why are they so "knowledgeable" about ordinances and paramedic requirements? Now that "xmpt" has shot the messenger, will those paramedics tend to "Street"? Maybe "xmpt" shouldn't be using legal terms like "extort" with an identifiable individual like "Street"? Are the payroll duplicates forgeries? I don't know, but "xmpt" is stupid in triplicate.

Author:  LaughingAtLakeCo [ Tue Nov 20, 2012 5:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Hamm part of the Lake County Problem?

I had no idea it how high the risk of injury was in visiting injured heroes and brothers in their hospital rooms, nor that an abundance of people crowded into those places to pay homage to them. I stand corrected.

Author:  mattlap [ Tue Nov 20, 2012 6:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Hamm part of the Lake County Problem?

xmpt wrote:
From the same "Street" that was kicked out of the Mayors office for trying to extort money for positive influence? Great Source.

As for the volunteers. Ordinance requires paramedics be at an event where an abundance of people will be and the risk of injury prevalent, but dont let your lack of knowledge sway your lack of intelligence.

Jake Jacobs of CR Publications is "the Street"? Oh wait .... you said that he was kicked out for trying to extort money for positive influence instead of the Mayor paying for it. My bad!

Wait when did Patrick Moore Jr pick up paramedic duties? Isn't that what an ambulance is for? Also shouldn't these organizations actually be paying for paramedics if they are required to have them by ordinance? Who makes the decision of what is free and what is charged? Does it depend on who makes a contribution to the Mayor and who doesn't?

Author:  justcallmetommy [ Tue Nov 20, 2012 11:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Hamm part of the Lake County Problem?

xmpt wrote:

As for the volunteers. Ordinance requires paramedics be at an event where an abundance of people will be and the risk of injury prevalent, but dont let your lack of knowledge sway your lack of intelligence.

Speaking of Ordinance, It appears an Ordinance also required Pat Moore Jr as Deputy Chief should not have gotten paid overtime but he did. Then take a look at what he got overtime for! Absolutely disgusting to see Tax Payer's resources squandered like this. How much of the $14,000,000 budget shortfall is really a budget shortfall or is McDermott padding?

The investigation done by the Hammond Police Department, McDermott's own statements said it was legitimate. It seems nothing about that overtime payment was legit. Did they lie under the direction of The McDermott Spin Campaign? I wonder how much ownership interest McDermott has in a dance club?

What is the difference between Phipot taking $26,000 of Tax Payer's money and Hamm approving and Moore Jr taking $26,000 of Tax Payer's Money?

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