Northwest Indiana Discussion

Hammond Renaissance? Tom McDermott Jr's Standards
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Author:  justcallmetommy [ Thu Sep 01, 2011 5:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Is McDermott doing his job?


What... someone cant pick up the trash? Maybe their too busy helping out with Tom's Campaign?

Author:  justcallmetommy [ Thu Sep 01, 2011 5:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Is McDermott doing his job?


This home has been vacant for now over a year, but was good enough to have McDermott Primary Election Sign in the front yard, but not good enough for the grass to be cut.

Bet ya the grass is cut just before the election and a McDermott sign appears again!

Author:  xmpt [ Thu Sep 01, 2011 6:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Is McDermott doing his job?

I am curious,have you reported these addresses to anyone or are you just going to use them as fodder???

Author:  justcallmetommy [ Thu Sep 01, 2011 6:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Is McDermott doing his job?

xmpt wrote:
I am curious,have you reported these addresses to anyone or are you just going to use them as fodder???

Isn't there a whole city agency dedicated to assuring hammond looks appealing, along with contracts given to friends and family, and the wonderful College Bound Program, all developed so grass gets cut, properties rehabbed, so there will be this meca of people from outside Hammond wanting to move to Hammond?

Neighbors told me that when the call about this property, they get cited by Code Enforcement, along with everyone else in the neighborhood. That's a nice way to stop the phone calls for city services.

Now service seem to be unbalanced. Like I wrote earlier Cap, you cant find neglected properties in Tom's neighborhood. Trash is picked up, grass on empty lots cut. Seems like two classes their Cap.

Hey X, you got 33 minutes to post some more before you have to be at work. Remember, don't use that city computer. That would be illegal!


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Author:  justcallmetommy [ Thu Sep 01, 2011 9:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Is McDermott doing his job?


Now this is a real gem. The building is on a main street 165th, it has been empty for several years, and appears to have several structural problems, yet the eye sore still stands.

Tom why not take care care of Hammond or are you too busy still driving around Gary neighborhoods, looking at their problemed buildings?

What could Tom be looking for driving around in Gary?

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Author:  bert68 [ Fri Sep 02, 2011 4:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Is McDermott doing his job?

One easily could think these photos were taken in Gary. Some scary stuff.

Author:  xmpt [ Fri Sep 02, 2011 8:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Is McDermott doing his job?

justcallmetommy wrote:
xmpt wrote:
I am curious,have you reported these addresses to anyone or are you just going to use them as fodder???

Isn't there a whole city agency dedicated to assuring hammond looks appealing, along with contracts given to friends and family, and the wonderful College Bound Program, all developed so grass gets cut, properties rehabbed, so there will be this meca of people from outside Hammond wanting to move to Hammond?

Neighbors told me that when the call about this property, they get cited by Code Enforcement, along with everyone else in the neighborhood. That's a nice way to stop the phone calls for city services.

Now service seem to be unbalanced. Like I wrote earlier Cap, you cant find neglected properties in Tom's neighborhood. Trash is picked up, grass on empty lots cut. Seems like two classes their Cap.

Hey X, you got 33 minutes to post some more before you have to be at work. Remember, don't use that city computer. That would be illegal!

A whole department? Isn't there only one inspector per district with over 30,000 parcels? You do the math.


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Author:  hammonite [ Fri Sep 02, 2011 10:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Is McDermott doing his job?

From what I observed, certain parts of the city receive services, others are ignored.

Vacant properties and parks are much better kept in the Mayor's neighborhood.

Call in a complain about a property; code enforcement comes out and issues citations for every one on the block.

Author:  xmpt [ Fri Sep 02, 2011 12:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Is McDermott doing his job?

Certain parts of any city are better then others. The houses you have been "highlighting" are in areas where there a lot of rental properties. Is it a coincidence that owner occupied homes are better kept then rental properties? Why would it be such a surprise that people in $200,000 houses take better care of their properties then landlords that own $40,000 houses and don't even live in the city. So keep pointing out these dilapidated homes that landlords have abandoned it just goes to prove the point that much of Hammond's problems come from out of city landlords and the tenants they choose to let occupy their sub standard housing.

Why wouldn't code enforcement cite a property if it is in violation? Should you be exempt if you call in on your neighbor with the same complaint you are guilty of?

Author:  justcallmetommy [ Fri Sep 02, 2011 4:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Is McDermott doing his job?

Note the College Bound Sign, and the 4x8 marqui announcing it being rehabbed by Mayor Thomas McDermott Jr as part of his college bound initiative bring people to Hammond?

This house is fire damaged just three houses west of the first property pictured above, three
houses away from McDermott's rehab project.

This house is boarded up just two houses west of the first property pictured above, two houses
away from McDermott's rehab project. I am not sure if anyone does or does not live in it.

Now I gotta laud Tom on his planning ( or compliment the ineptitude of his underlings). These three properties are on Hoffman St, I believe @ Towle.

Note the first picture has a College Bound sign on the front lawn, along with a 4 x 8 sign marketing the plan that this property will be rehabbed-sponsored by Mayor Thomas McDermott Jr. Now I am all for revitalizing neighborhoods.

Now the other two pictures are of two adjacent properties to the west. Both are boarded up, the one on the corner has been a victim of a fire.

Now who in the hell is going to buy a property, rehabbed or not next to at least one fire damaged house with no movement on it and the possibility of another property boarded up two houses away. Isn't that a waste of resources? Yes, I am going to buy a house where two other properties are boarded up and one of which is a victim of a fire!

Looks very much like Gary to me and micmicing the though process associated with what brought Gary down the tubes.

I wonder who the contractor is on this? A friend, a political contributor? Just asking Tom.


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Author:  bert68 [ Sat Sep 03, 2011 5:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Is McDermott doing his job?

justcallmetommy wrote:
Note the College Bound Sign, and the 4x8 marqui announcing it being rehabbed by Mayor Thomas McDermott Jr as part of his college bound initiative bring people to Hammond?

This house is fire damaged just three houses west of the first property pictured above, three
houses away from McDermott's rehab project.

This house is boarded up just two houses west of the first property pictured above, two houses
away from McDermott's rehab project. I am not sure if anyone does or does not live in it.

Now I gotta laud Tom on his planning ( or compliment the ineptitude of his underlings). These three properties are on Hoffman St, I believe @ Towle.

Note the first picture has a College Bound sign on the front lawn, along with a 4 x 8 sign marketing the plan that this property will be rehabbed-sponsored by Mayor Thomas McDermott Jr. Now I am all for revitalizing neighborhoods.

Now the other two pictures are of two adjacent properties to the west. Both are boarded up, the one on the corner has been a victim of a fire.

Now who in the hell is going to buy a property, rehabbed or not next to at least one fire damaged house with no movement on it and the possibility of another property boarded up two houses away. Isn't that a waste of resources? Yes, I am going to buy a house where two other properties are boarded up and one of which is a victim of a fire!

Looks very much like Gary to me and micmicing the though process associated with what brought Gary down the tubes.

I wonder who the contractor is on this? A friend, a political contributor? Just asking Tom.


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This post is a perfect example of why government should not be bankrolling the rehab of any Hammond real estate. Whoever made the decision to rehab that home is brain dead.

Author:  justcallmetommy [ Sat Sep 03, 2011 6:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Is McDermott doing his job?

Bert, this is exactly what this series of post is about. Some clowns are trying to twist this as some effort to discredit code enforcement. Can't do that. They do that themselves.

They very well may be understaffed, poorly run or not have sufficient training, or..... directed to go after specific targets, some or all of the above. Who knows or cares.

The real issue is, as it appears City Services in some area, mostly in areas where you can get the most vote from a community are better and city services are not consistent through out Hammond.

My next series of post will point this out.

It sure does not make sense, unless someone is putting money in their pocket with campaign contributions expected before or after. A quid pro quo.

Author:  justcallmetommy [ Sat Sep 03, 2011 6:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Is McDermott doing his job?


Broken window/s & behind this building is a parking lot for abandoned and out of state cars?

Might be the makings for a police substation and/or a youth center operated by a local church. How about thinking about dealing with giving our youth some place safe to go Tom.

Or is it there is no cash return.

Common sense things someone should attend to.

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Author:  justcallmetommy [ Sun Sep 04, 2011 4:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Is McDermott doing his job?


Now this is Pulaski Park. Beautiful, well manicured, new building, tennis courts, lights galore all in wonderful shape.

Now are all the parks in this great shape?

No. Some seem like they are very neglected... and they are located in hispanic or black neighborhoods. Why?


This is a picture of Memorial Park. I just love the no hold back expense in providing a single set of bleachers. Are their any lights at all in this park?

Now, just a point of information, walk thru some of Hammond's parks and you can see packets of tin foil and little plastic bags, every now and then you can find a used needle.
From talking to neighbors in this area, they say they are lucky to get the grass cut.

Author:  justcallmetommy [ Sun Sep 04, 2011 6:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Is McDermott doing his job?


Now something I dont understand, and their is a lot about hammond I don't understand, but three houses in a row, all have overgrown weeds.

This neglect is not isolated.

Is someone sleeping on the job, does this neighborhood just not count? I just don't understand!

Tommie has his grass cutting contracts with friends and family. Can't they cut the grass or is it we need a couple of more new city signs with McDermott's name splashed about the city?

This I guess is McDermott's plan to have families move into Hammond.


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