Northwest Indiana Discussion

Infamous Mayor Thomas McDermott Jr Quotes
Page 13 of 16

Author:  justcallmetommy [ Sat Jan 25, 2014 7:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Infamous Mayor Thomas McDermott Jr Quotes

In an article found in the 01/25/14 Gary Post Tribune, Robert Battles, an East Chicago City Councilman was accused Wednesday by a federal witness under oath of trying to buy 3 kilograms of cocaine before he was an elected official.

Apparently the article author sought a comment from Lake County Democratic Party Chairman and Hammond Mayor Thomas McDermott Jr. McDermott Jr said Thursday that he had never met Battle.

“He’s not a player whatsoever in Lake County politics,” McDermott said. “I don’t think this has anything whatsoever to do with the party.”

I found it interesting Mayor and Chairman Thomas McDermott Jr would say he had never met Battle, and even more interesting that McDermott Jr would say, “He’s not a player whatsoever in Lake County politics.,” “I don’t think this has anything whatsoever to do with the party.” Personally, I find this comment reassuring. :lol:

Battles is a Democrat. :? As to the definition of player, is that someone like: Philpot, Montalvo, Cantrel, Parks, Salinas, David Johnson, Crenshaw, Camacho, Pabey, Krusas, Cuppy, Rogan, Chandler, Harris, Hunter, Allen, Karras, Meeks.......

Per the article, Valparaiso University law professor Bruce Berner said that Battle could not have been charged with possession of cocaine or buying cocaine if the sale was never completed. However, Berner said, if what Torres said could be proven in court, Battle conceivably could be charged with an attempt to possess cocaine or conspiracy.

Author:  justcallmetommy [ Mon Feb 03, 2014 11:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Infamous Mayor Thomas McDermott Jr Quotes


McDermott denies racism allegation
Cal City says State Line traffic violations aren't on rise, but black population is
Print Email
April 04, 2006 12:00 am • JOE CARLSON 219.933.4174

HAMMOND | Over and over again, proponents of the proposal to block off interstate travel on the southern end of State Line Road have said public safety is their driving concern.

They say their streets have become dangerous to kids and the elderly with all the drivers zooming through their neighborhoods to find ways to avoid congested main roads.

Calumet City isn't buying it.

According to a federal lawsuit and statements from the city's mayor and attorney Monday, Calumet City officials believe public safety will be harmed by the project because it will create circuitous routes for emergency vehicles.

Something else must be at work, they say.

"The city of Calumet City has not found any increase in speeding or traffic violations in the area complained of over the last several years," Police Chief Patrick O'Meara said in an affidavit.

"The only noticeable change has been the racial demographic composition of the population on the city of Calumet City side, which now has a larger African-American population than it did in years past," O'Meara said.

Ethnic tension along the state line has come up many times in the public debates over the project.

The retort from Hammond residents and leaders has been that their neighborhood is also racially diverse, and that nonwhite Hammond residents also are supporting the barrier.

"The reason we're trying to install this traffic device is traffic. They made racial overtones in this lawsuit, and it's disgusting that someone would do that," Hammond Mayor Thomas McDermott Jr. said.

But Calumet City Mayor Michelle Markiewicz Qualkinbush said Hammond officials should have been more eager to try less invasive -- and less permanent -- solutions if traffic was the only concern.

"(McDermott's) unwillingness to try some of the other solutions makes you wonder what their real motivation in this is," Qualkinbush said.

In this 2006 article, Calumet City's Mayor Qualkinbush has to be wrong about Hammond's Mayor Thomas McDermott Jr.... Tom is an educated Notre Dame Law School Graduate, an upholder of Gay Rights, and clearly says in this article, "They (Calumet City) made racial overtones in this lawsuit, and it's disgusting that someone would do that," Hammond Mayor Thomas McDermott Jr. said.

But then what about Maria Becerra, the former executive director of Hammond's Housing Authority?

[color=#800000]Bacerra, got a $200,000 judgement, defended by HUD against the city of Hammond for a Civil Rights Violation....what I understand, Mayor Thomas McDermott Jr, who was going to run for Lt. Gov., then Governor, the US Senate, then Lobbyist, then joining a law firm, his own discriminatory statements, were the foundation on which Bacerra, received her award. This didn't need to make the federal docket. The evidence was over whelming!

HUD probably threatened Hammond would not receive another penny, if they did not acquiesce.

HUD No. 14-008
Shantae Goodloe
(202) 708-0685 FOR RELEASE
January 30, 2014

Former HHA Executive Director claimed she was wrongfully terminated for helping minority families

WASHINGTON – The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) announced today that the city of Hammond, Indiana, and the Hammond Housing Authority (HHA) agreed to pay Maria Becerra, the former executive director of HHA $200,000 to settle allegations the city and HHA terminated her employment because she administered a HUD-funded rental assistance program that helped minority familiesmove into predominantly white neighborhoods In addition, HHA agreed to reopen its Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) program waiting list and inform the public about the reopening of the list.

In March 2012, Becerra filed a complaint with HUD alleging that in December of 2011 she was wrongfully terminated from her position as Executive Director of the HHA because she assisted persons using HCVs in finding housing in the Hammond neighborhood of their choice. Becerra further alleged that the mayor of Hammond made public statements supporting her ouster, claiming that the HCV program had grown “out of control” and “exploded” during her tenure.

The Fair Housing Act makes it unlawful to discriminate in housing because of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, disability or familial status. The Act also makes it illegal to retaliate against a person for supporting the housing rights of others. In addition, Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, and national origin in programs and activities receiving federal financial assistance.

“HUD’s Housing Choice Voucher program is designed to help lower income families find housing in safe neighborhoods and climb the ladder of social and economic opportunity,” said Bryan Greene, HUD's Acting Assistant Secretary for Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity. "We’re pleased that, under this Agreement, the HHA commits itself to implement this program in a fair manner and provide greater housing choices for families of all backgrounds.”

The Housing Choice Voucher Program is HUD’s major rental assistance vehicle for assisting low-income families, the elderly, and people with disabilities to obtain affordable housing in the private rental market. Rental assistance is provided on behalf of the family or individual, allowing program participants to find their own rental housing, including single-family homes, townhouses, and apartments.

Under the terms of the Conciliation Agreement and Voluntary Compliance Agreement settled these allegations,relevant city and HHA staff and board members will receive fair housing training; the Mayor of Hammond will issue a public statement in support of HCVs and the HCV program in Hammond; the cityand HHA will sponsor a public outreach forum to encourage landlord participation in the HCV program; and HHA will expend at least 97 percent of its annual HCV budget each year.

Author:  justcallmetommy [ Mon Feb 03, 2014 11:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Infamous Mayor Thomas McDermott Jr Quotes

Then along comes Juanita Woods, a Hammond Code Enforcement Inspector, serving the city of Hammond for 18 years.

One summer day in June 2013, Tom walks in to code enforcement and makes a statement people were re assigned, because the department needed secretaries. Yes. Secretaries.

Now Ms. Woods who is black and another black woman (with some seniority as well) were told they were being transferred to secretarial duties, Woods replaced, per federal filing, by a white male with political ties to which would/could help McDermott.

Now Tom is a smart guy, real smart, he re assigned a protected class, ignoring their seniority in favor of a white male with what has been reported as no knowledge of code enforcement, other than a guy who needed a job (nothing wrong with that), but who had political skills that could be brought to the table to help Tom in his upcoming election.

So this is also during the period of time where the city is dealing with 644 Sibley, the location where 3 children died in a January 2014 fire.

Despite the reports the city's legal department failed to serve the appropriate property owners at the 644 Sibley property, you add this to the mix, and then the allegations presented in a federal law suit by a hispanic female who reported to the Mayor what appeared to be improprieties actions by code enforcement.

Then you have another federal law suit reporting civil rights violations in the termination of an african american woman.

I won't repeat that all here, you can tag the links and read the material here for your benefit. The reason I re-posted the material here, is I understand some Indy politicians follow this thread. I wanted to condense it all in one section, so they wouldn't have to hunt and peck.

Now actually, I think Tom is grooming Code Enforcement with people who will do his dirty work, persecute people who Tom feels threatened by. We will wait and see what happens.

There just might be more federal litigation. This time, it very well maybe criminal conspiracy charges coming as a result....


Author:  justcallmetommy [ Tue Feb 25, 2014 7:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Infamous Mayor Thomas McDermott Jr Quotes


McDermott: City settled with former housing director

February 22, 2014 11:00 pm • Matt Mikus, (219) 933-3241

Hammond Mayor Thomas McDermott Jr. told The Times on Friday he agreed to settle a March 2012 discrimination complaint filed by ousted Hammond Housing Authority Director Maria Becerra rather than drag the city through a potentially expensive legal battle.

The city and Hammond Housing Authority reached an agreement with Becerra, HHA executive director for 27 years, and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development for $200,000. Becerra claims her employment contract was not renewed because of her work providing minority families with rent-subsidy vouchers to move into neighborhoods they otherwise couldn't afford, according to her attorney, Michael Allen.

"I decided the $200,000 settlement was much better than going through two years of expensive litigation," McDermott said. "We were told if we fight this and lose, we would have to pay both sides, which would be millions of dollars."

[b]Really, or is it that McDermott Jr, holding a Notre Dame Law School Degree, didn't want his blatantly illegal discriminatory comments to be for ever moralized? When has millions being spent on litigation ever stopped top. Hell half of his campaign contributors are attorneys.


The reason for Becerra's contract not being renewed is in dispute. Several people involved who spoke to The Times and documents obtained by The Times offer differing takes on her dismissal.

HHA meeting minutes obtained by The Times show McDermott was concerned about her residency in Highland outside city limits, her high salary as director, and a legal misstep made during contract negotiations with her. But those minutes also contain remarks McDermott made that Becerra's lawyer said suggest she was let go because she helped provide Housing Choice Vouchers to minority families to move into predominantly white neighborhoods.

The city and HHA claimed no wrongdoing in their settlement with Becerra, who filed a federal complaint after she was let go by the authority.

"We allege that the real reason the housing authority let her go was that city officials weren't happy that the Housing Choice Vouchers were being used in a way that allowed low-income families, particularly of color, to live in the nicer parts of Hammond," Allen said.

Becerra declined to speak with The Times.

In 2013, HHA received $5.02 million from HUD for the Section 8 vouchers, which helped an estimated 708 families.

According to HHA meeting minutes obtained by The Times, board members in October moved to notify Becerra in writing they would pursue new contract negotiations before her contract renewed on Nov. 1.

But in November, they discovered Becerra's old contract had automatically renewed because she had not received timely written notice.

In the meeting, board members Tom Dabertin and Joe McCarthy questioned the HHA's then-attorney why the notice wasn't issued.

Come on now, how many jobs does dabby have, really.

The board voted 5 to 2 to end her contract, with board members Leo Bryant and Lydia Ramos voting against. Bryant and Ramos have since left the board.

At the December HHA meeting, McDermott and told a crowd not to blame HHA board members, who he appoints. He said he was moving the authority in a new direction, looking to decrease salaries and employ Hammond residents.

"It's frustrating for Hammond residents when you see the Section 8 program making mistakes in neighborhoods, when you see people running the show don't live in Hammond, and you see the salaries for these people and they're disproportionately higher than everyone else's salary," McDermott said, according to the meeting minutes.

"Like for instance, the mayor makes $95,000. There are people at the housing authority that make significantly more than the mayor. We're going to have Hammond people running the housing authority."

McDermott also said the Section 8 voucher program was "one of the bigger threats in the city of Hammond."

"The Section 8 program has been completely mishandled," McDermott said. "It exploded. It's going in places where we don't want it to go."

Different views

Former HHA board Chairman Leo Bryant, a retired vice chancellor at Purdue University Calumet, was appointed to the board in the 1980s when McDermott's father, Thomas McDermott Sr., was mayor.

Becerra was the only executive director Bryant worked with during his time on the board. He left the board around March 2012, saying he could tell the Hammond Housing Authority board was moving in a new direction.

Bryant said he believed HHA became an exemplary agency under Becerra's leadership. He credits her for renovations to public housing facilities along 173rd Street east of Columbia Avenue.

"People all over the country were looking at our housing authority as a model to learn from," Bryant said. "We lost a jewel," he said, referring to Becerra's removal.

McDermott himself noted during the December 2011 HHA board meeting that "a lot of good things are happening" with the public housing and Columbia Center, according to the meeting minutes.

Bryant said that prior to contract negotiations with Becerra, the board had discussed her residency outside of Hammond, but nothing was forced on her. He also said some board members discussed salary, but he does not recall any specifics.

Under the Fair Housing Act, individuals have the right to go to HUD if they believe they have been discriminated against in seeking housing, said Ivan Bodensteiner, an attorney and law professor at Valparaiso University. The protection also extends to a person who assists someone facing housing discrimination. Bodensteiner said he was not directly familiar with the Hammond situation.

After conducting an investigation of Becerra's 2012 complaint, HUD offered Hammond and HHA an opportunity to settle out of court.

Allen, Becerra's attorney, said HUD officials discovered a large amount of evidence that supported her claim.

McDermott said that evidence was a collection of secret tape recordings of staff meetings that she took to HUD officials, which he said was "underhanded."
Now really this guy has got the gaul to comment about underhanded? WTF Tom, Janiec, the Baker, Pensky, is just the top of the barrel. You've used code enforcement dozens of times to go after political enemies.

"She took the tape recorder to the federal government, and they took up her charge with a vengeance," McDermott said.

The settlement states HUD "has made no findings as to the merit of the complaint's allegations."

McDermott said he and the housing authority will continue to honor the voluntary settlement, though he doesn't agree with the premise of how the settlement was reached.

Hammond Housing Authority attorney Michael Jasaitis said the housing authority stands by its decision not to renew Becerra's contract.

"While the Hammond Housing Authority does not generally comment on personnel-related issues, the parties entered into a resolution without any finding of wrongdoing by HUD and without any admission of the allegations,” Jasaitis said in a statement.

"The non-admission Conciliation and Voluntary Compliance Agreement speaks for itself, and the HHA intends to adhere to the Agreement and continue to properly administer and provide high quality, low income housing programs."

The settlement states HHA will be required to use 97 percent of the funds allocated for the voucher program for the length of the three-year settlement agreement.

McDermott is also required to read a prepared statement during one of the housing authority public meetings in support of housing choice, more specifically, the Housing Choice Voucher program, according to the settlement agreement.

The settlement also requires a public outreach forum, and HHA employees receiving three hours of fair housing training.

Kids you don't have to comment here and that was not the intent of posting this piece here, the intent, from what I hear Tom's comments are frequently read by State Legislators for a good laugh.

Author:  justcallmetommy [ Fri Feb 28, 2014 7:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Infamous Mayor Thomas McDermott Jr Quotes

McDermott creates political action committee, eyeing statewide run

By Dan Carden, (317) 637-9078

INDIANAPOLIS | Hammond Mayor Thomas McDermott Jr. has established a political action committee to support Democratic candidates running for statewide office and the Indiana General Assembly.

State campaign finance records show "McPAC" was organized Jan. 8. LaPorte attorney Shaw Friedman is chairman of the fund, and Michigan City's Dr. Hassan Dabagia is treasurer. Both are former chairmen of the LaPorte County Democratic Party.

McDermott already has donated $25,000 from his personal campaign account to McPAC. He plans to dole out that initial money in the next few weeks and expects to raise up to $250,000 more for McPAC by the end of the year.

"I'm trying to help good people get elected so I don't have to take some of the crazy legislation that I've had to face over the last couple years," McDermott said. "It's incumbent upon me to get involved in races in other parts of the state."

The mayor, who also is chairman of the Lake County Democratic Party, said he will continue to fulfill those duties, but is looking to "make better use of my money."

McDermott, 44, admitted he's considering a future bid for statewide office, but said he's confident he would win a fourth term and become Hammond's longest-serving mayor if he chooses to run for re-election in 2015.

"I'm doing the stuff you need to do if you are taking a look at a statewide run: I've opened up a PAC, I'm meeting with important people like (former) Sen. (Evan) Bayh and Sen. (Joe) Donnelly, like Congressman Pete (Visclosky), Congressman (Andre) Carson -- I'm doing what you have to do," he said. "It's good to have options."

For now, McDermott still is debating how to pronounce the name of his fund. He's leaning toward "mick-pack," as in McDonalds, but said he also likes how "mack-pack" sounds.

Is this man's ego over running his intelligence, absolutely! Down state McDermott is one of the most loathe pond sucking scum in nwi.

See up here Tom can bully people, intimidate them, apparently Tom didn't learn his lesson, when he was running for Governor, Lt. Governor, US Senate and the dog catcher.

He's done nothing to increase the number of voters, relied on voter apathy, and the flux of out of state residents who can't vote. With about 12 % of the vote he claims a land slide.

I'd like to see Tom win another election... it's guaranteeeeeeed he will be taking Johnson. Philpot, Pabey and Cantrell's place.

Author:  lubu [ Fri Feb 28, 2014 10:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Infamous Mayor Thomas McDermott Jr Quotes

Dan Carden writes and quotes Tom McDermott...

The mayor, who also is chairman of the Lake County Democratic Party, said he will continue to fulfill those duties, but is looking to "make better use of my money."

That's a big problem with Tom McDermott... "make better use of my money."

Tom always seems to take a possessive attitude towards everything. The I, Me, My syndrome. Sure, his campaign dollars are "his" but not in the Jesse Jackson Jr way that infects him. I wish he shared the same concern to make better use of my tax dollars. He also reveals an unhealthy view of status. Tom's two colors are green and gold, not because he is a Notre Dame fan, but because he mines his position for wealth and turns green with envy at the thought of others earning more than he collects. So envious was Tom about the salary of the Hammond Housing Authority director that she just had to go. Shown the door in a slipshod and potentially criminal way, Hammond agreed to pay her 200 grand. And why? Because Tom just couldn't stand it that after almost three decades, her salary might have been more than his. The state is going to legislate that some property tax dollars go to the RDA? Tom wants to sue them because he wants to loot the loot. Our spoiled mayor wants all the spoils. It seems no division is fair for Tom. I'm sure when Tom was a kid he would share a single snow sled 50/50 with his "friend". Tom though would insist that he got it on the way down the hill, and his poor schlub "friend" would have to schlep it back uphill. That's the essence of Tom McDermott.

Author:  justcallmetommy [ Sat Mar 01, 2014 8:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Infamous Mayor Thomas McDermott Jr Quotes

Lake County Democratic Chairman, & Hammond's failed Mayor Thomas McDermott Jr on NIRPC:


McDermott was “incensed” about the bill. He said SB 367 means Hammond would be paying $600,000 from the tax credit directly to the RDA.

“I take offense as an elected official,” he said. “We have a chance to have $4 million come back to Lake County. I know most units in Lake County are struggling — and it’s getting forwarded to the RDA.”

I am incensed millions of dollars can't be accounted for by Tom's fiscal policies.

I am incensed Hammond's Mayor is a racist, apparently his Notre Dame Law School Education failed Hammond residents, McDermott's racist statements cost Hammond residents $200,000. The only reason Tom didn't fight this in court, is statements would become record.

I am incensed Hammond Mayor Thomas McDermott Jr, giving more credibility to being a racist, will cost Hammond another couple of hundred thousand dollars, plus legal fees, as he illegally reassigned two african american women, black women in code enforcement, just when the city was dealing with th 644 Sibley fiasco, so a guy who could do mcdermott political favors got a job.

I am incensed Hammond Mayor Thomas McDermott Jr and his appointments failed to protect Hammond residents, and I, as well as others, believe directly causing the death of 3 children at 644 Sibley.

I am incensed Hammond Mayor Thomas McDermott Jr continues to do business with a company who paid bribes to a now convicted city councilman.

I am incensed nearly $2.5 million dollars in Festival of the Lake Parking fees have disappeared, over the last 8 years, and despite directions from the State Board of Account, to keep parking receipts for auditing purposes, Tom's people threw them away!

I am incensed McDermott early in his administration tossed the City Health Care Administration to a firm reportedly principled by his father, who later returned the city's health care administration back to Hammond at a cost of nearly $2,000,000 to Hammond Tax payers.

I am incensed Mayor Thomas McDermott Jr called convicted felon Bobby Cantrell a stand up guy and stating Cantrell wouldn't talk. Why wouldn't an officer of the court encourage disclosing corruption, unless he was/is corrupt himself.

I am incensed a Mayor would use Code Enforcement to go after political oppositions.

I am incensed a Mayor did not pay rent on a campagin office and later appears to help his pal sell the buildling for a cool $300,000 profit in a 30 day time period.

I am incensed a city attorney is working part time for the Hammond tax payers, and takes on a private practice, possibly contributing to the poor notice which resulted in the death of 3 children.

I am incensed Hammond's Mayor Thomas McDermott Jr very well may have re directed a criminal investigation on subscription drug abuse for a member of his administration, allowing a drug addict to place children at risk?

I am incensed the Hammond citizens pay for a Talk show that screens calls.

I am incensed that a Mayor would use the phrase, I can hurt your children, as a threat.

There is a lot to be incensed about Tom, but your getting screwed. Did you threaten someone down state and now it's costing Hammond Residents Tom? First the rental registration issue and now this, can't wait to see what else is coming around the corner pal. Payback Tom?

Is this why the McPac was formed? Yea.... that's the ticket, smells like someone is out to get you Tom. I wonder if Mitch is helping?

Revenge for the nice guy you are?


Author:  justcallmetommy [ Sun Mar 02, 2014 11:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Infamous Mayor Thomas McDermott Jr Quotes

EDITORIAL: Denounce racism, apologize to Becerra
Print Email
February 27, 2014 12:00 am • By Doug Ross

Hammond Mayor Thomas McDermott Jr. said last week the city will save "millions of dollars" because he agreed to settle a lawsuit filed by ousted Hammond Housing Authority Director Maria Becerra.

What McDermott didn't say, but should, is that it was wrong to not renew Becerra's contract. He should also publicly apologize to her.

Becerra, who served as Hammond Housing Authority director for 27 years, said her employment contract wasn't renewed because she helped provide minority families with Section 8 rent subsidy vouchers to move into neighborhoods that were predominantly white.

Becerra had the support of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development for her Fair Housing Act complaint.

The city's official position is that she was paid too much, even more than the mayor, and that it didn't look good for an employee to be paid so much to help poor people obtain housing. Also, she lived in Highland rather than Hammond.

We recognize McDermott's concern about inflated salaries. We disagree on the need to have city employees be residents of that city. Employers shouldn't limit themselves with residency limits like this.

"I decided the $200,000 settlement was much better than going through two years of expensive litigation," McDermott said. "We were told if we fight this and lose, we would have to pay both sides, which would be millions of dollars."

The city's settlement does not include an admission of guilt. Still, McDermott should clearly state for the record and to the public that he does not object to integration in his city's neighborhoods.

Racism and charges of racism have plagued this region for too long to not have McDermott loudly and unequivocally denounce the practice of steering minority families away from neighborhoods that are predominantly white.

But we want to make it clear that the Hammond Housing Authority is well within its rights, indeed its moral obligation, to provide Section 8 rent subsidy vouchers to let minority families live in areas they otherwise couldn't afford.

Housing discrimination is not only illegal but also reprehensible.

Hammond and Lake County Democrats should hang their head in shame. Despite the lip service Tom gives, he is a racist, something I have labeled him with for years. He understands white and little else. It is a shame for a Notre Dame educated lawyer.

And Despite the tens of thousands Tom spends on Hammond Times Advertising, they still called him out, and about time.

Now it would be nice for the Region and this news paper to call Jr out on his fiscal mismanagement of Hammond resources. Criminal yes.

McDermott himself acknowledged the FBI interviewed him after a statement he made on WJED. It is not the only case law enforcement agencies are looking at.

Several members of Hammond's Law enforcement have been interviewed.

Is jr losing control of the bought and paid for Times?

McDermott clearly needs to join Philpot, Cantrel, Pabey and nealry 70 lake county politicians, connected hanger ons for an extended Vaaaaacation.


Author:  justcallmetommy [ Sat Mar 15, 2014 6:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Infamous Mayor Thomas McDermott Jr Quotes

Despite Tom having another birthday on March 4th, it seems like things as of lately just arn't going his way
I've said all along McDermott is a racist, a piece by Doug Ross documents one of McDermott's largest problems, his self inflated ego and lacking statesmenship.

BTW Tom is being sued in Federal Court demoting two African American code enforcement personnel, just before the 644 Sibley fire, which, apparently code enforcement allowed a family to live in a residence, even after the Hammond Water Department turned off water services.


Anti-social media

Speaking of tolerance, Hammond Mayor Thomas McDermott Jr. used Twitter and Facebook as anti-social media Thursday morning.

Thursday's editorial on the city settling a lawsuit with ousted Hammond Housing Authority Director Maria Becerra prompted a classic unfiltered rant by McDermott on Twitter and Facebook.

[b]The mayor's skin is awfully thin for someone who aspires to higher office.

McDermott's rant, while entertaining, was wrong about the diversity of The Times staff, both racially and geographically. We have staff members who live all across the region, including in the urban are[/b].

And another loss for McDermott, $4,000,000 going for the RDA target for transportation.


The Indiana General Assembly approved another piece of the funding puzzle for the proposed extension of the South Shore commuter rail line before its session adjourned Thursday.

Under the bill, an estimated $4 million annually will be returned to communities that have gambling by closing a tax loophole that people with significant investment income in Lake County can qualify for — even though it was designed to aid low-income homeowners.

Seems like the fed's have put McDermott into a loosing corner, its surprising a politician, who uses a boxing glove with red white and blue features, wouldn't use city money to pay for a plethora of attorneys to fight this, putting some more cash into a couple of law firms pockets who contribute to Tom's campaign.... unless he didn't what his inflammatory, racial comments to become official record.

Maybe a FOIA for the recordings could be placed on youtube.

Then it seems no one other than the Gazette has tackled McDermott's ineptitude letting the Hammond Sanitary District to over draw $2M AND owe, $3.8M to NIPSCO

With Hammond heavily in debt, I think this is just the beginning of some tough times for Tom.


Author:  justcallmetommy [ Wed Mar 19, 2014 4:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Infamous Mayor Thomas McDermott Jr Quotes


GUEST COMMENTARY: My social media messages are authentic
By Thomas McDermott Jr.

I appreciate the thoughts Marc Chase expressed in his column on my social media presence, or “anti-social” media presence, as he points out.

As Hammond’s mayor, Twitter and Facebook are forms of communication that allow me to more effectively communicate with my constituents. They are tools I use to be as transparent as possible. Still, I also understand that, being relatively new in the overall scheme of things, social media also brings a new set of challenges.

For me, I appreciate the opportunity to communicate directly with my constituents, with nobody in between me and the Hammond residents I serve. I don’t have a team filtering my social media accounts, nor does anyone approve my messages before I post them. Sometimes it is difficult to keep up with all of the posts — after all, I have 5,000 Facebook friends — but I do my best to stay active in these new platforms.

Chase's column, criticizing me for some of the content of my posts, reminded me of the criticism Gov. Mike Pence received recently regarding his social media practices. As a reminder, Pence recently came under fire for deleting Facebook posts that were contrary to the position he took on HJR 3, the proposed referendum defining marriage in our Constitution. The governor was chided for a lack of transparency, for deleting messages that ran counter to his position or that cast him in an ill light. Pence’s response to these criticisms of censorship was to blame the deletions on his staff that manages the sites for him.

I am proud to say that when you friend me on Facebook, you really do friend me on Facebook. And I am committed to being as transparent and honest as I can be in all of my constituent communications, including those online.

Obviously, when human beings are talking about politics it can become a bit controversial. I am not perfect, but I am honest. And I respect the rights of people who disagree with me to post or tweet or otherwise communicate their thoughts and ideas.

When Chase combed through my posts over the years, along with the examples he cited, he also must have seen posts from people who expressed a difference of opinion with me, as well. There is nothing hidden, nothing sanitized.

I appreciate Chase's political advice that I should polish up and cleanse my social media presence. A lot of people and fancy advisors might agree with him. Being perfect and polished gets people elected. But I’m here to serve as the mayor of Hammond. If I err in this new age of social media, I will err on the side of transparency and authenticity.

And I do believe we can all use a good laugh every now and then.

Hey Tom, speaking of transparency, how about some frank talk about the $10,000,000 Potash fiasco... where did the money go on this project? I don't see any construction going on and we gave them $10,000,000.

And Tom what about the $1.8 million you gave to a Lake County Organization, while a family member was on the fund razing committee? Tom? $1,800,000 of our Casino Money....

And Tom how about cleaning house on how you gave nearly 1/3 of a $1.8 million energy grant to a consulting firm despite the lowest bidder being less than $100,000.

And Tom how about some clarity on the 644 Sibley Story. When did you remove two seasoned Code Enforcement people from their duties and make them secretaries.... was one of those new people responsible for serving where this tragedy happened? And Tom isn't it true, Hammond personnel left two families in the sibley property after the water was turned off?

And Tom speaking of some clarity, is it true you stopped a police investigation involving fraudulent Schedule IV and V narcotics, illegal prescription fraud by a family member of one of your key people?

And Tom, speaking of some clarity, how about explaining how your campaign finance reports show you paid a total of $2,000 in all the time you rented your campaign headquarters and then one of your pals makes $300,000 on a land deal in what appears to be a 30 day time period, and another pal gets his new head quarters after canning a regional personality as part of the terms.

And Tom, can you explain how the Hammond Sanitary District is $2M Overdrawn, and $3.8M Owed to NIPSCO and accounts are overdrawn?

And Tom, how about making public those tapes Tom, the tapes which were used in labeling you a racist.

Author:  justcallmetommy [ Fri Mar 21, 2014 5:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Infamous Mayor Thomas McDermott Jr Quotes


As the mayor of the region's biggest city eyes a run for higher office, he might want to consult a neighboring school district on social media etiquette.

In 2009, Portage's school athletics program adopted a social media policy, prohibiting its athletes from slinging trash talk or inappropriate euphemisms.

With his regular social media diatribes — sometimes resembling chatter in a boys' locker room — Hammond Mayor Thomas McDermott Jr. could use a copy of the Portage policy, like right now.

McDermott acknowledged he is eyeing a run for the governor's office, an idea he's also entertained in the past.

But if McDermott, who also chairs the Lake County Democratic Party, is serious about making a run beyond his power base, he might want to rethink his social media strategy.

I don't just write this because McDermott made fun of Times Media Company Publisher Chris White's name recently in an effort to paint the company as lacking diversity. Such blunt shots on Twitter and Facebook are nothing new for the mayor, and they've certainly been more raw and inappropriate in the past.

Last May, McDermott displayed a photo on Facebook of region tourism official Speros Batistatos and Indiana Lt. Gov. Sue Ellspermann facing each other during a visit of the lieutenant governor to a local business.

The post opined Ellspermann was "looking at Spero like a schoolgirl in love!!"

It then suggested Batistatos should "take one for the team" and "make da Region proud," perhaps using this supposed affinity to help rebuild the Cline Avenue bridge.

McDermott told me earlier this week he intended humor with that post but understands why some people may have considered it inappropriate. He also acknowledged he would need to tone down his social media commentary if he wants to appeal to more conservative downstate voters.

Good for him for admitting it, though he makes no apologies for speaking his mind in other instances.

Until now, I've avoided giving the locker room-esque chiding any ink. I'm involved in a volunteer partnership with Batistatos' government agency, the South Shore Convention and Visitors Authority, to tell the stories of region Civil War veterans. I didn't want my commentary being construed as favoritism.

But the mayor's anti-social media comments continued beyond the May 2013 Facebook post.

Sometimes folks on the opposing side of McDermott's arguments find their heads superimposed on clown-like bodies on his Facebook page. Granted, these are typically done by someone commenting on the mayor's posts and not the mayor himself.

But the mayor has the ability to remove such material if he chooses. After all, it's his page.

My head might end up in such a post following this column. Perhaps I can use it as my new profile photo.

As McDermott eyes a run for statewide office, he might want to hire a handler specifically for social media, someone to protect him from himself.

Otherwise, the conservative downstate voting base — the one typically holding sway over the fortunes of statewide electoral success — might "unfriend" him in a heartbeat.

The one flaw in this article is Marc indicates McDermott is popular. Well even Tom said when people walk into a room they are afraid of him.

Tom's not popular, really, to be elected with 12% of the potential voters in a community is not popular, it's control of a very small voting block, in fact just enough to get him re elected.

That is not popular.

Tom's Past efforts at governor, lt. governor, us senate indicate the only political job he can get is dicktating a regime in Hammond.

Author:  justcallmetommy [ Sun Mar 30, 2014 7:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Infamous Mayor Thomas McDermott Jr Quotes


One day after the FBI, IRS and state police combed through (Mary)Elgin's offices (Calumet Township Trustee) and walked out with boxes of evidence and a desktop computer, the township trustee's office reopened Friday.

But political observers question whether Elgin's re-election campaign is back in business.

"Mary Elgin was already facing a tough primary race in May. It just got a lot harder," said Hammond Mayor Thomas McDermott Jr., also the Lake County Democratic party chairman.

McDermott isn't calling on Elgin to close down her campaign for the good of the Democratic Party, saying he trusts the voters to make the right decision.

"She’ll be on the ballot in a month. Convincing the taxpayers everything is OK -- in light of all this -- is not going to be easy," McDermott said.

Tom has recently been labeled a racist, due to his actions vetted by HUD, which resulted in a discrimination settlement of a quarter million dollars. Tom did what he does best, giving cheap shots to a hispanic woman with a quarter century of experience in housing. The $250,000 was award to a Housing Authority Administrator he had a direct hand in firing.

He doesn't want to take a stand and be called a racist again.

Tom stood behind Mary Seaton making much more of a flavored statement.

Author:  justcallmetommy [ Thu Apr 24, 2014 8:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Infamous Mayor Thomas McDermott Jr Quotes

Fund no.: 319






Fund no.: 321

Potash Bond Interest





Fund no.: 322

Potash Bond COI





Fund No.: 323

Potash Bond Construction





Fund no.: 324

Potash bond DSR





Fund no.: 414

Potash Bond General





From the 2013 Cash & Investment Report found on the Indiana Gateway....

Hammond's paying on $10,000,000 bond.... without a Potash plant, no jobs, no construction!

Where did the money go? Tom

Maybe Tom could hire a group of lawyers to litigate Potash missed their dead line....

Author:  justcallmetommy [ Wed Apr 30, 2014 6:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Infamous Mayor Thomas McDermott Jr Quotes

A topic of conversation at the campfire, under the homan ave bridge was Mayor Thomas McDermott Jr, Lake County Democratic Chairman. The consensus was Mayor Tom IS a racist.

One of the attorneys visiting the campfire said, it is interesting McDermott didn't contest the HUD charges by hiring a political connected law firm and spending more of Hammond's money making at least one firm close to him wealthy. He's willing to use public funds to initiate litigation at the drop of a hat! Why not fight these charges?

The attorney continued, while roasting a marshmellow over the campfire, McDermott didn't want his recorded statement to be come a searchable record. The attorney laughed, see McDermott has a self inflated ego, he has such charm, his efforts to leave Hammond have been stopped with out tape.

I asked what da ya mean?

The Attorney replied well even with out the tape McDermott's run for Governor, LT. Governor, were short lived because of is magnetic personality. The US Senate run, well the attorney said between chewing his roasted marshmellow, Tom doesn't play well in the sand box either in Lake County or the State, and again his magnetic personality made him the odd man out.

The Attorney while roasting another marshmellow over the fire said, again that magnetic personality makes him a poor choice for NIRPSY and the Lobbying Firm, both who turned him away. Both require the ability to negotiate, and Tom is a dicktator they say spelling it out for me. :smt002

I asked around the campfire about Tom living in Hammond. The answer came back, well he drives his kids on occasion to school, but one of the visitors reported, they heard he is living in Highland, allegedly with a friend.

Male or female I asked... The visitor said hey you know Tom you take a guess.

Quote: ... 38867.html

McDermott expresses support for Housing Choice Voucher
12 hours ago • Matt Mikus, (219) 933-3241
Related Documents
Mayor's Statement on Housing Choice Voucher

HAMMOND | Mayor Thomas McDermott Jr. said in a mandated statement Monday the Hammond Housing Authority will continue to help families through the Housing Choice Voucher Program.

The statement was part of an agreement to settle a March 2012 discrimination complaint filed by ousted Hammond Housing Authority Director Maria Becerra.

In that settlement, the city and the HHA reached an agreement with Becerra, HHA's executive director for 27 years, and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development for $200,000.

Becerra claimed her employment contract was not renewed because of her work providing minority families with rent-subsidy vouchers to move into neighborhoods they otherwise couldn't afford.

McDermott said he was concerned about her residency in Highland outside city limits, her high salary as director, and a legal misstep made during contract negotiations with her.

McDermott told The Times in February he agreed to settle rather than drag the city through a potentially expensive legal battle.

The city and HHA claimed no wrongdoing in their settlement with Becerra, who filed a federal complaint after she was let go by the authority.

According to the settlement, McDermott was required to read a prepared statement at a Hammond Housing Authority public meeting in support of housing choice, more specifically the Housing Choice Voucher program.

In his statement, McDermott expressed his support for current HHA Director Carmen Paniagua, and the direction of the authority since she took over in March 2012.

He acknowledged a challenging transition between the two directors, but he said not renewing Becerra's contract was the right decision.

"My intent is and always has been to support HHA in its mission to provide assistance to responsible citizens who need help finding clean, safe and affordable housing," he said. "HHA and the Housing Choice Voucher program play an important role in helping people get back on their feet."

McDermott said he heard complaints from residents the vouchers were used by criminals and slum lords, and that he decided to take a stand.

"As your mayor, I will never tolerate any program that allows slum lords, gang bangers and criminals to operate in our neighborhoods," McDermott said. "Each time a drug dealer or gang banger got a housing choice voucher, a family who truly needed and deserved assistance was denied."

The mayor said he didn't appreciate being required to say anything.

"This was a deal-breaker," McDermott said after the meeting. "If I didn't do it, they wouldn't settle the case. But nobody likes it when someone tells you what you have to say."

Becerra's attorney, Michael Allen, was unable to respond immediately for comment but planned to issue a statement in the future.

Uniquely the statement had to be approved by HUD Attorneys.

Author:  justcallmetommy [ Sat May 17, 2014 1:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Infamous Mayor Thomas McDermott Jr Quotes

On May 17th, 2014, Gary Post Tribune published the following article: "Naked Man arrested after pursuit. "

The article link:

Maybe the Post Tribune knows something we don't?

Is it an indication of what is in Tom's future?

An Arrest?

Well, I thank the Post Tribune for the Humor! Hopefully it was a mistake...hopefully not. :smt005

And yes, I did not photoshop the article, although I wish I could say I did!


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