Northwest Indiana Discussion

Attach US Citizen spying Permanently to the damn Stimulus Pk
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Author:  NeoRayden [ Sun Jan 27, 2008 3:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Attach US Citizen spying Permanently to the damn Stimulus Pk

Bush is requesting a permanant law for US eavesdropping, and will veto and sunset laws. This needs to stop immediately. The plan is called FISA - Google it.

Bush wants stimulus plan, intel law
Sun, 27 Jan 2008 10:45:19

President Bush has asked the Congress for swift action on economic stimulus package and extension of the intelligence eavesdropping law.

The White House and House of Representatives leaders of both parties have reached an agreement on a stimulus program which will provide tax rebate checks to 117 million families and give businesses $50 billion in incentives to invest in new plants and equipment.

Although some democrats want more provisions added to the program, such as unemployment benefits extension, an increase in home heating subsidies or higher food welfare benefits, President Bush said, "While I understand the desire to add provisions from both the left and the right, it would be a mistake to undermine this important bipartisan agreement."

Bush also asked the Congress to extend the US eavesdropping law which will expire on February 1.

The bill, currently before Congress, would modernize the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, which states when federal agents must get a court order before tapping phone and computer lines inside the US to gather intelligence on foreign threats.

"We need to know who our enemies are and what they are plotting and we cannot afford to wait until after an attack to put the pieces together," Bush said, warning against allowing the law to expire.


Author:  expresso66 [ Sun Feb 03, 2008 12:06 pm ]
Post subject: 

I agree w/Mr. Bushie. :lol:

Author:  UrRight [ Sun Feb 03, 2008 3:30 pm ]
Post subject: 

GOOD, Exprasso.... we can export more people under his plan.

Author:  expresso66 [ Sun Feb 03, 2008 9:12 pm ]
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