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 Post subject: GOP Convention
PostPosted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 8:31 pm 
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I watched a couple of hours tonight, that's about all I can take. I'll probably watch Palin's speech tomorrow and McCain Thursday, just out of curiosity.

My sister and brother-in-law are there as delegates.Needless to say, we don't have many pleasant chats about politics!

I think Minnesota Sen. Norm Coleman told a fib in his welcoming speech. He said St. Paul had made a great comeback from economic distress. He said 15 years ago, downtown St Paul had only sex shops and "the only McDonald's in the United States to fail."

Actually, I believe it was in the late 80's, Hammond had two McDonalds shut down on the same day. One was the city's original McDonald's (where McTavern's is now) and the other was on Calumet Avenue near City Hall.
I called the company's PR folks, but they refused to comment at the time.

"The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth."


 Post subject: Re: GOP Convention
PostPosted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 6:31 am 
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Personally I don't see how anyone could have watched John McCain's acceptance speech and not realize that he would make the best President of the two in 2009, if not of anyone running this year at all. The more Sen. Obama "explains things" the less confident I am that despite all the slick words he even knows what he's talking about.

But ask yourself this one question. I think we can all agree Congress is stalled without fingerpointing. It's in deadlock. Which of these 2 gentlemen do you honestly believe will be able to work with both parties and get things accomplished? If you're thinking Sen. Obama think again. He doesn't have a history of building those bridges yet. Are we to believe that magically overnight he will? Or do you expect him to use his sheer force of will to ram his proposals past both parties? Well I guess I was once young and blindly idealistic myself but it is not very practical to expect that to happen.

So you can vote for 4 more years of gridlock or you can vote for REAL change that you CAN believe in. I support Sen. John S. McCain to be the next President of the United States and I hope you will too.

If you voted for the Dems don't be surprised when things don't turn out quite as you were led to expect. Some might call it pure Marxism. But the problem with Obama economics is there's not enough money in the world to make it work.

 Post subject: Re: GOP Convention
PostPosted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 6:56 am 

Joined: Mon Feb 12, 2007 5:14 pm
Posts: 1483
The best part of his speech:

"I'm not running for president because I think I'm blessed with such personal greatness that history has anointed me to save our country in its hour of need," McCain mocked. "My country saved me. My country saved me, and I cannot forget it. And I will fight for her for as long as I draw breath, so help me God."

McCain has cast Obama as a presumptuous candidate, and his campaign has likened the Democrat to a would-be messiah.

The Arizona senator also issued a warning "to the old, big-spending, do-nothing, me-first, country-second Washington crowd: Change is coming." That, too, was an indirect Obama reference. McCain has suggested his Democratic rival puts personal ambition above the country.

In his comments, McCain left it to his audience to connect the dots.

Certainly, McCain's speech wasn't as sharp as Palin's address to the delegates the night before — or a host of other speakers who came before him. Their speeches were filled with biting attacks on Obama and his Democrats.

McCain, however, can't risk turning off undecided swing voters, many of whom recoil at negative campaigning.

"Americans want us to stop yelling at each other," he added, trying to use the disruption to his advantage.

 Post subject: Re: GOP Convention
PostPosted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 7:11 am 

Joined: Mon Feb 12, 2007 5:14 pm
Posts: 1483
...and, doing my research and homework....Obama has no track record to speak of. He has only been a JUNIOR that was only able to reach across the aisle for little matters.

John McCain is a true loyalist, who isn't afraid to speak his mind, as President Bush has acknowledged. He's worked against his own party and reached across the aisle for big things...and got things done.

Being a straight-shooter, equipped with the knowledge and experience to get things done...he's known to cross his own party when he thinks they are wrong.

Yes, if you want grid-lock in Congress, and the political favors to extend not only to Illinois and Indiana but across the whole nation, Vote for O'Bam and O'Bin.

The democrats have held back for years on the drilling - the Republicans wanted to forge ahead with drilling years ago. The "Environmentalists" kept the Demo's in check, partly because of lobbyists....and favors...but that little pin-hole, in a state the size of Texas, which would be placed in Alaska, that has enough oil for us to be dependent on our own supply, is in a remote place where the climate is warmer than average in Alaska, and would not hurt the environment. No polar bears or penquins exist where Palin claims we can drill.

We can keep on listening to the Dumbo's in Washington, or believe the woman who governed that state, that there is indeed, enough oil to last forever or until we develop other means...but bear in mind...even those plastic bags from the grocery store are made from OIL.

We need to quit depending on foreign countries for OIL. We have our own supply. Throwing a BILLION at Georgia for the war by President Bush, is ANOTHER reason to go for McCain. We are not in the business to help other countries while our own country needs to re-build itself. Morally, and physically - our country - the economy, the roads, the school system, the welfare system, health/medical all need revamping. The only way to get it done is quit with the Democrats and their patronage army.

Layers of government in each state have to quit the pork projects and unless McCain is in, I don't see anything changing, but more of the same with what's going on with the patronage, pork spending, lobbyists, layers and layers of government that isn't needed.

If you want what we have now, vote Obama...he speaks words...he has yet to walk his talk. McCain has walked his talk. Trust that I was always raised in a Democratic only family, but I now vote from whomever represents us best in this country, whether Republican, Democrate or Independents.

I don't look at the parties anymore...I look at who is best to serve as President, and McCain is more representable of what I expect from a President.

I don't need a "God-Damn America" two-faced Bible-Thumper to tell me who is better and ready to serve. Nor a wanna-be President that touts change for America...but can't even mention his half-brother who lives on $12.00 a month and if he can't help his own half-bro, how can he help us as a nation? That's the character I'm looking at.

Last edited by UrRight on Fri Sep 05, 2008 7:17 am, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject: Re: GOP Convention
PostPosted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 7:15 am 
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Really though all joking aside this election needs to be about substance, not symbolism. Sen. Obama is merely a symbol to some and will draw many votes based on that fact and for very little he has to say. And to be fair there are some who will vote for Sen. McCain just because of his war experience or because they like his VP pick.

But when it's all said and done there are times when a President can be just a caretaker because things are running well and there are other times when what is needed is someone who will be hands on and lead and effect change. Again comparing the 2 speeches I think Obama today would at best be a caretaker but what is needed is someone who knows how Washington works well enough to get things done without being so caught up in Washington bureaucracy as to fold from the resistance to needed change and I feel John McCain is that man. Love him or hate him Jimmy Carter never really understood the game until it was too late. In hindsight though that mighta been a good thing. :D

If you voted for the Dems don't be surprised when things don't turn out quite as you were led to expect. Some might call it pure Marxism. But the problem with Obama economics is there's not enough money in the world to make it work.

 Post subject: Re: GOP Convention
PostPosted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 7:32 am 

Joined: Sun Aug 03, 2008 9:48 am
Posts: 3558
UrRight wrote:
I don't need a "God-Damn America" two-faced Bible-Thumper to tell me who is better and ready to serve.

Sarah Palin is aligned with a pastor who thinks terrorist attacks against Jews is because of Jews unbelief in God's "judgment of unbelief" of Jews who haven't embraced Christianity. This isn't a case where a pastor said something when you weren't in church that day. Palin sat there two weeks ago.

Nor a wanna-be President that touts change for America.

Isn't "change" exactly what McSenile sputtered about last night?

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 Post subject: Re: GOP Convention
PostPosted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 7:35 am 
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Artie60438 wrote:
Sarah Palin is aligned with a pastor who thinks terrorist attacks against Jews is because of Jews unbelief in God's "judgment of unbelief" of Jews who haven't embraced Christianity. This isn't a case where a pastor said something when you weren't in church that day. Palin sat there two weeks ago.

Perhaps we should watch a video of who Barack bin Obiden is aligned with.......enjoy.


"This was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal" --Barack Hussein Obama

 Post subject: Re: GOP Convention
PostPosted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 8:15 am 

Joined: Sun Aug 03, 2008 9:48 am
Posts: 3558
USMarine wrote:
Artie60438 wrote:
Sarah Palin is aligned with a pastor who thinks terrorist attacks against Jews is because of Jews unbelief in God's "judgment of unbelief" of Jews who haven't embraced Christianity. This isn't a case where a pastor said something when you weren't in church that day. Palin sat there two weeks ago.

Perhaps we should watch a video of who Barack bin Obiden is aligned with.......enjoy.


Palin sat there two weeks ago.

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 Post subject: Re: GOP Convention
PostPosted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 8:34 am 
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UrRight wrote:
The democrats have held back for years on the drilling - the Republicans wanted to forge ahead with drilling years ago.

You either don't know WTF you're blathering about, or you're lying.

Fact is that it was President George H.W. Bush who signed the order banning offshore drilling.
Fact is Jeb Bush as governor of Florida also opposed drilling off shore as did
Florida's current governor, Charlie Crist.
If the Republicans wanted to drill like you claim they easily could have given the fact that they controlled congress & the White House for the last 12years. ... index.html
The "Environmentalists" kept the Demo's in check, partly because of lobbyists....and favors...but that little pin-hole, in a state the size of Texas, which would be placed in Alaska, that has enough oil for us to be dependent on our own supply...

again you don't know WTF you're talking about:

We import 70% of the oil we use, oil from ANWR would hardly make a dent.
According to the 2008 U.S. Department of Energy report on price and production impact, ANWR would be insignificant in comparison with the damage inflicted on the environment.

“ANWR oil production is not projected to have a large impact on world oil prices.... Additional oil production resulting from the opening of ANWR would be only a small portion of total world oil production, and would likely be offset in part by somewhat lower production outside the United States....

UrRight wrote:
Throwing a BILLION at Georgia for the war by President Bush, is ANOTHER reason to go for McCain.We are not in the business to help other countries while our own country needs to re-build itself.

Oh really?
Your boy McCain supports that & he wants to stay in Iraq for 100 years while throwing away 10 billion per month....THAT you don't have a problem with, right?
If you want what we have now, vote Obama...

You've got that @ss backwords.
If you want what we've had for the last 8 years vote for John McCain.

McCain-Palin = Bush-Cheney

"Get government out of my Medicare!"- A typical conservative moron who votes republican

 Post subject: Re: GOP Convention
PostPosted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 9:02 am 
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Sarah Palin is aligned with a pastor who thinks terrorist attacks against Jews is because of Jews unbelief in God's "judgment of unbelief" of Jews who haven't embraced Christianity. This isn't a case where a pastor said something when you weren't in church that day. Palin sat there two weeks ago.

So is this election to become a mandate on who's religous beliefs are more politically correct now? Because what a politician believes about another country or it's people is not quite as important to me as their beliefs about THIS country.

I hesitate to get into discussions of "Jewish unbelief" in the middle of a political discussion because it is complicated by the fact that to a point it's the foundation of the Western Christianity movement. Christianity did begin with some believing Jews but because of the general unbelief of the people the torch of the message then passed to the Gentiles. This much is historical fact. The Christian church could have easily gone a different direction but for unbelief.

And skipping ahead and leaving a lot out, the Bible says that eventually the Jews will turn from their unbelief one day. So however you get there the constant is still Jewish unbelief.

Can it logically be argued that because Israel lives in spiritual unbelief that it is lacking Divine protection from terrorism? I suppose it can. It is a fact that Israel is a more Western secular country today than even a few years ago when the Rabbis held greater authority. It can also be argued that because the US has lost it's moral compass that it too is more vulnerable to terrorist attack.

I understand the desire to equate the Rev Wright issue with a slightly similar issue but it's really not quite the same thing. Not unless you are willing to say that God DID damn America for it's immorality. But then you would have to embrace what the Bible defines immorality to be and not too many secularists are willing to even consider that as an option.

If you voted for the Dems don't be surprised when things don't turn out quite as you were led to expect. Some might call it pure Marxism. But the problem with Obama economics is there's not enough money in the world to make it work.

 Post subject: Re: GOP Convention
PostPosted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 1:32 pm 
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Artie60438 wrote:
USMarine wrote:
Artie60438 wrote:
Sarah Palin is aligned with a pastor who thinks terrorist attacks against Jews is because of Jews unbelief in God's "judgment of unbelief" of Jews who haven't embraced Christianity. This isn't a case where a pastor said something when you weren't in church that day. Palin sat there two weeks ago.

Perhaps we should watch a video of who Barack bin Obiden is aligned with.......enjoy.


Palin sat there two weeks ago.

Palin is not 'aligned with a pastor who thinks terrorist attacks against Jews is because of Jews unbelief in God's "judgment of unbelief" of Jews who haven't embraced Christianity'.
Brickner happened to be the guest speaker on a day that Palin was also at the church.
She did not sit in the pew and listen to him every week for twenty years.
You can stop misrepresenting the situation now.
Thank you.

“It’s very rare that I come to an event where I’m like the fifth- or sixth-most interesting person.”

Barack Obama

 Post subject: Re: GOP Convention
PostPosted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 2:37 pm 

Joined: Sun Aug 03, 2008 9:48 am
Posts: 3558
happy jack wrote:
Artie60438 wrote:
Artie60438 wrote:
Sarah Palin is aligned with a pastor who thinks terrorist attacks against Jews is because of Jews unbelief in God's "judgment of unbelief" of Jews who haven't embraced Christianity. This isn't a case where a pastor said something when you weren't in church that day. Palin sat there two weeks ago.

Palin sat there two weeks ago.

Palin is not 'aligned with a pastor who thinks terrorist attacks against Jews is because of Jews unbelief in God's "judgment of unbelief" of Jews who haven't embraced Christianity'.
Brickner happened to be the guest speaker on a day that Palin was also at the church.
She did not sit in the pew and listen to him every week for twenty years.
You can stop misrepresenting the situation now.
Thank you.

I wonder how many other embarrassing sermons will come out that Caribou Barbie sat through?

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 Post subject: Re: GOP Convention
PostPosted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 3:15 pm 
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Artie60438 wrote:
Caribou Barbie

Madrassas Ken from Indonesia


“At the core of liberalism is the spoiled child — miserable, as all spoiled children are, unsatisfied, demanding, ill-disciplined, despotic and useless. Liberalism is a philosophy of sniveling brats.”
P.J. O'Rourke

Last edited by -={ARCLIGHT}=- on Fri Sep 05, 2008 5:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject: Re: GOP Convention
PostPosted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 4:33 pm 
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Joined: Mon Feb 14, 2005 10:08 am
Posts: 4781
happy jack wrote:
Artie60438 wrote:
Artie60438 wrote:
Sarah Palin is aligned with a pastor who thinks terrorist attacks against Jews is because of Jews unbelief in God's "judgment of unbelief" of Jews who haven't embraced Christianity. This isn't a case where a pastor said something when you weren't in church that day. Palin sat there two weeks ago.

Palin sat there two weeks ago.

Palin is not 'aligned with a pastor who thinks terrorist attacks against Jews is because of Jews unbelief in God's "judgment of unbelief" of Jews who haven't embraced Christianity'.
Brickner happened to be the guest speaker on a day that Palin was also at the church.
She did not sit in the pew and listen to him every week for twenty years.
You can stop misrepresenting the situation now.
Thank you.

Artie60438 wrote:
I wonder how many other embarrassing sermons will come out that Caribou Barbie sat through?

Say, didn't Obiden's church used to torture people into converting for their own good back in the 1600s? LMAO

As I believe I demonstrated well enough the alleged statement was not as embarrassing as you want to make it. But I think that Obama, Obiden, and David P. outta feel embarrassed for some of the nonsense they've put out in the last few hours trying to make Obama's time as a community organizer at least sound way more impressive than it ever was. I think there's been like 6 Obama-Grams on it already in less than a day. Sorta as distorted as the Dem promotional lines about his contributions as a US Senator. Since they have little positive to point to they feel the need to, shall we say embellish the facts. ;)

And I thought I'd be sorry for signing up to be the last to know who Obama picked. Glad I already knew who it was before the national media or I might have never gotten any sleep that night. LOL

If you voted for the Dems don't be surprised when things don't turn out quite as you were led to expect. Some might call it pure Marxism. But the problem with Obama economics is there's not enough money in the world to make it work.

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