Northwest Indiana Discussion

Open Discussion: Government Assistance and Drug Testing
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Author:  lastmanstanding [ Thu Mar 26, 2009 6:25 am ]
Post subject:  Open Discussion: Government Assistance and Drug Testing

I came across a website by a delegate from West Virginia named Craig Blair, and it sparked interest. Especially with the shape of the economy today. Just trying to get peoples thoughts on this one. Find the website here:

Mr. Blair states "I think it's time that we get serious about the problem of illegal drug users abusing our public assistance system in West Virginia. We should require random drug testing for every individual receiving welfare, food assistance or unemployment benefits."

I, myself, think it's a good idea. I have no problem helping those in need, but I am furious about helping those who state that they need help, but then use the assistance for illegal means, or as their main source of income and do not routinely look for a stable job to produce income.

It is my belief that if you are seeking public assitance, you should be physically and mentally ready and able to give back to the public that is providing that assistance, and that means abiding by the current laws that govern the "public". Does that mean I agree with all of the laws in place governing illegal drugs, not as a blanket statement; but until they are changed, they are the "laws of the land" that everyone lives by.

Further, along with the drug testing, I think that those receiving assistance, if their current situation allows, should be required to participate in a volunteer program that provides help to the charitable organizations that are providing assistance or should be required to participate in a program that helps maintain their local communities.

I'm not saying that they need to put in "40 hours a week" doing community service, but a few hours a week by everyone that is participating in the programs, that are not actively seeking employment, (even part time employment to bring in some income), would definitely help those communities that are providing the assitance. For the single parents who could not participate, or those who are working part time jobs and are using the assitance as a supplement, I understand, and they would not be required to participate; but for those who "want the money for nothing", I think it's time to give back to they communities that support you. Especially with today's economy.

Most people pay into the funds that support these programs through your payroll taxes at work, here's a chance to voice your opinion on how you think your tax dollars should be spent, to a certain degree.

This is a subject that needs to be studied a little further, and specific issues within it need to be further addressed, but it's a starting point. I know that there are alot of other points and issues that will be brought up, and I don't expect to have all of the answers, but I think with everyones input, I'm sure alot of great ideas will come out.

Again, this is only brought up for discussion and input, so let's see what everyone thinks!

Author:  born_again [ Thu Mar 26, 2009 6:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Open Discussion: Government Assistance and Drug Testing


Author:  freetime [ Thu Mar 26, 2009 8:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Open Discussion: Government Assistance and Drug Testing

If you are bound and determined to promote a police state where Big Brother is always watching, I say let's start with drug and alcohol testing for all public officials and government employees.
They consume much more of our resources! The things they do have a bigger impact on everyone's lives than the public aid recipients.
As far as required public service, that may be OK for the able-bodied. The moms probably would require day care for their kids, and many would need transportation.
I know North Township requires those folks receiving poor relief to "work it off".

Author:  Tiger1 [ Thu Mar 26, 2009 11:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Open Discussion: Government Assistance and Drug Testing

Township requires all able-bodied adults between the ages of 18-59 to work off the assistance. Exceptions are made to those who have small children,care taker of a disabled/elderly individual, going to school full time, working full time, or have a medical condition that may be compromised.

Why I abhor drug testing, in some instances I think it is justified. I sure wouldn't want a pilot or a train engineer to be doing lines of coke, and putting the passengers lives at risk.

As for the welfare recipients, since they are living off the public dole, which is my tax money, you betcha I want them tested ! Too many of them appear to have plenty of money for drugs and booze, which sure as heck should not be subsidized by the taxpayer. If they don't want to be tested, then they better get off their duffs and find a job.

Author:  USMarine [ Thu Mar 26, 2009 11:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Open Discussion: Government Assistance and Drug Testing

Tiger1 wrote:
As for the welfare recipients, since they are living off the public dole, which is my tax money, you betcha I want them tested ! Too many of them appear to have plenty of money for drugs and booze, which sure as heck should not be subsidized by the taxpayer. If they don't want to be tested, then they better get off their duffs and find a job.


Author:  suzyq [ Thu Mar 26, 2009 11:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Open Discussion: Government Assistance and Drug Testing

That should have been done a long time ago. But i am sure the left winger's will say it's racist!

Author:  Tiger1 [ Thu Mar 26, 2009 11:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Open Discussion: Government Assistance and Drug Testing

suzyq wrote:
That should have been done a long time ago. But i am sure the left winger's will say it's racist!

Yeah, they will play the race card. I can just see it now, Jesse Jackass crying discrimination in front of the nearest camera. :roll:

Author:  Geronimo [ Thu Mar 26, 2009 12:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Open Discussion: Government Assistance and Drug Testing

I say yes to anybody receiving anything over 6 months or accruing 6 months of benefits in 3 years.

Author:  Screech [ Thu Mar 26, 2009 5:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Open Discussion: Government Assistance and Drug Testing

Tiger1 wrote:
Township requires all able-bodied adults between the ages of 18-59 to work off the assistance. Exceptions are made to those who have small children,care taker of a disabled/elderly individual, going to school full time, working full time, or have a medical condition that may be compromised.

This is what I'm saying. Our 'great community organizer' should be able to figure out this one.

I had to drive over near Miller, Gary and other areas of Lake County today, and I have noticed this same thing in LaPorte County. There is so much garbage everywhere! What happened to trustee inmates doing community service? Why couldn't it be organized that any able bodied person (receiving public assistance) had to work so many hours a week, say 4 hour shifts 2 or 3 days a week. Organize it; the transportation to pick up scheduled workers, and assign jobs whether they be picking up garbage or providing care for the children of those out picking up garbage. I don't care if someone just has to open a door for people, they should be made to work for the public if the public is supporting them. All it would take would be some real organization and appropriate disbursement of funds. I could organize something like that, and delegate responsibilities to others to help organize it efficiently. Shoveling s*** is a character builder!

I believe that part of that work qualification should be as scrutinized as other government jobs. Drug testing is not a blanket requirement for every field or all levels of any field. There are people on the top, people on the bottom, and those in between. One has to function to the best of his ability, regardless of his status in society. You don't do anyone any favors by allowing them to be weak. Make them strong! Subject them to real life, so they can learn to function in society and become productive, even if they are just gonna flip sliders for a career.

However, rehabilitation would have to be offered because a lot of them would'd have to follow up with repercussions.

Author:  oldtimer [ Fri Mar 27, 2009 6:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Open Discussion: Government Assistance and Drug Testing

It will be a cold day in hell when the dumacrats burden their largest constituency with drug testing and work.........especially in northwest Indiana

Author:  Knowpatriot [ Fri Mar 27, 2009 11:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Open Discussion: Government Assistance and Drug Testing

Good idea!!!! And while we are at it, all elected government leaders, especially our Congress, should be tested too!

Author:  LoisLane [ Fri Mar 27, 2009 4:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Open Discussion: Government Assistance and Drug Testing

Every three months....Then if you are dirty, pow, no mo' money, immediately.

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