Northwest Indiana Discussion

The Boston Marathon TERRORIST
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Author:  -={ARCLIGHT}=- [ Wed Apr 24, 2013 12:09 pm ]
Post subject:  The Boston Marathon TERRORIST

Okay chuckmo, you want to play politics with the bombing at the the Boston marathon?


But let's not do it on a thread about preserving our second amendment rights.

Since I know how much you love to try your damnedest to drag threads off topic, I'll just start another thread.

chuckmo48 wrote:
Typical rethuglicon hypocrisy:

Senator Lindsey Graham Says Suspend the Constitution For Boston Marathon Suspect And Designate Him An Enemy Combatant.

Sure...worry about background checks as infringing on the constitution, but it's ok to suspend it when the rethugs want to...

So you want terrorist treated like common criminals?

Author:  -={ARCLIGHT}=- [ Wed Apr 24, 2013 12:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Boston Marathon TERRORIST

Boston Bombers Planned To Attack New York Next

Chuckmo would make sure these two were fed and housed while they worked out their next terrorist attack against America.

Then after they killed some more women and children, chumo would make sure that all their constitutional rights were preserved.

Made sure that taxpayer's money was used to pay for attorneys to defend them, excellent halal meals would be provided for them while in jail, prayer mats, group prayers, civilian trials, you know...the works.

Is that about right, Stupid?

US authorities learned that the Tsarnaev brothers, who were behind the bombing at the Boston Marathon last week, were planning to carry out another attack in New York once they left Boston.

The Boston Globe reported on Wednesday that Tamerlan (26) and Dzhokhar (19) Tsarnaev did not succeed in carrying out their plans only because they were tracked down by Massachusetts authorities a few days after the marathon attack.

After carrying out the Boston bombing, in which three people died and over 200 were injured, the brothers still possessed several homemade grenades and an explosive laden pressure cooker.

A man who had been kidnapped by the brothers as they fled authorities told police that the brothers had planned to travel to New York.

The man told investigators that although the brothers did not speak English, he picked up on the word “Manhattan” in their conversation.

Author:  -={ARCLIGHT}=- [ Wed Apr 24, 2013 6:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Boston Marathon TERRORIST


Author:  Tiger1 [ Wed Apr 24, 2013 8:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Boston Marathon TERRORIST

-={ARCLIGHT}=- wrote:

Both of those terrorists had been on WELFARE until last year. Our tax dollars were going to feed and clothe the muzzies who were here to kill us. Let the liberals spin this one.

Author:  edge540 [ Thu Apr 25, 2013 7:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Boston Marathon TERRORIST

Kill all the muzzies!

Sarah Palin Calls for Invasion of Czech Republic

Apr. 22, 2013

Sarah Palin called for the invasion of the Czech Republic today in response to the recent terrorist attacks in Boston.

In an interview with Fox News, the former governor of Alaska said that although federal investigators have yet to complete their work, the time for action is now.

"We don't know everything about these suspects yet," Palin told Fox and Friends this morning, referring to Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, who allegedly carried out the Boston Marathon attacks. "But we know they were Muslims from the Czech Republic.

"I betcha I speak for a lot of Americans when I say I want to go over there right now and start teaching those folks a lesson. And let's not stop at the Czech Republic, let's go after the other Arab countries too.

"The Arabians need to learn that they can't keep comin' over here and blowing stuff up. Let's set off a couple of nukes in Islamabad, burn down Prague, then bomb the heck out of Tehran. We need to show them that we mean business."

Can't See Russia...

Although hosts Steve Doocy and Gretchen Carlson applauded Palin's jingoism, they immediately attempted to rectify her multiple geographic errors.

"Well Islamabad is the capital of Pakistan, which isn't Arab," Carlson corrected, "and Tehran is the capital of Iran, which is predominantly Persian. But I do see your point."

"Also the Czech Republic isn't really an Arab or even Muslim country, I don't think," Doocy added, "but otherwise what you're saying makes a lot of sense. I think most Americans wish Obama would step up and lead on this one."

Palin, however, didn't take kindly to being corrected and defended her analysis.

"Steve, that's probably one of the most ignorant things I've ever heard. How is Czech Republic not a Muslim country? You saw those brothers, they were Islamic and they were Chechen!"

"Yes there were Muslim and they were ethnic Chechens," Doocy started, "but they grew up mostly in Kyrgyzstan and the United States. And more importantly, Chechens don't come from the Czech Republic, they come from Chechnya, which is part of Russia. "

"What's the difference?" Palin responded. "Isn't Russia part of the Czech Republic?"

"No, the Czech Republic is a separate country. It's part of the European Union and a strong NATO ally," Doocy noted. "But heck, why not? Let's invade. What could go wrong?"

"Yeah and while we're at it," Carlson added, "let's call the Queen of England and see if the U.K. will join us."

In a statement released after the interview, Palin attacked Fox News and its "pro-Islamic" and "pro-geography" bias.

"This is just another case of the politically correct liberal media refusing to tell the truth about radical Islam," she said. ... h-republic

Author:  edge540 [ Thu Apr 25, 2013 8:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Boston Marathon TERRORIST

-={ARCLIGHT}=- wrote:

So you want terrorist treated like common criminals?

You mean like Timothy McVeigh and John Allen Muhammad?
Sure, why not?

Author:  -={ARCLIGHT}=- [ Thu Apr 25, 2013 10:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Boston Marathon TERRORIST

edge540 wrote:

Are you truly unable to distinguish satire from actuality?

Or are you just that stupid?

I'm guessing the latter.

Author:  edge540 [ Thu Apr 25, 2013 10:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Boston Marathon TERRORIST

Really, no sheet?

Thanks for proving that conservatives do not have a sense of humor. Kudos.

Author:  edge540 [ Thu Apr 25, 2013 10:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Boston Marathon TERRORIST

-={ARCLIGHT}=- wrote:

So you want terrorist treated like common criminals?

You mean like Timothy McVeigh and John Allen Muhammad?
Sure, why not?

Author:  comedian [ Thu Apr 25, 2013 12:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Boston Marathon TERRORIST

I rarely agree with Graham. If it's not the R's shredding the constitution it's the D's. Matter of fact...ALL RINO'S MUST GO!!!

WLS...Mark Levin...9-12 p.m... :smt006

Author:  edge540 [ Thu Apr 25, 2013 2:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Boston Marathon TERRORIST

comedian wrote:
WLS...Mark Levin...9-12 p.m... :smt006

Ah yes, crazy, extremist, right wing hate radio. Best_thing_ever_ for the dems, ask top GOP consultant Frank Luntz. :smt005 :smt006 :mrgreen:

Secret Tape: Top GOP Consultant Luntz Calls Limbaugh "Problematic" :smt005

At a talk to college students, Republican pollster Frank Luntz would only chastise Rush Limbaugh and right-wing radio off the record.

Secret Tape: Top GOP Consultant Luntz Calls Limbaugh "Problematic" :smt006 :smt005 :smt006


Damn right, I agree, you need way more far right lunatics running the republican party.
Turning off moderate, mainstream voters is the only way to go.

Author:  comedian [ Thu Apr 25, 2013 3:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Boston Marathon TERRORIST

College students?...LMAO.

The main stream media NEVER goes after Levin. He'd chew them up and spit them out...thats why! :smt005 :smt006

The country is already gone azzhole and it's gonna get worse....

A senior Democratic senator who helped write President Obama's health care law stunned administration officials Wednesday, saying openly he thinks it's headed for a "train wreck."

"I just see a huge train wreck coming down," Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus, D-Mont., told Obama's health care chief during a routine budget hearing that suddenly turned tense.

Author:  edge540 [ Thu Apr 25, 2013 3:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Boston Marathon TERRORIST

Good to see you ignore what Luntz had to say about right wing hate radio. :smt006
The main stream media NEVER goes after Levin...

The main stream media doesn't waste time going after unknown, right wing raving lunatics like Mark Liven and Glenn Beck.
And Max Baucus is about as well known as Mark Levin. :mrgreen:

Author:  chuckmo48 [ Thu Apr 25, 2013 8:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Boston Marathon TERRORIST

-={ARCLIGHT}=- wrote:
Okay chuckmo, you want to play politics with the bombing at the the Boston marathon?

chuckmo48 wrote:
Typical rethuglicon hypocrisy:

Senator Lindsey Graham Says Suspend the Constitution For Boston Marathon Suspect And Designate Him An Enemy Combatant.

Sure...worry about background checks as infringing on the constitution, but it's ok to suspend it when the rethugs want to...

-={ARCLIGHT}=- wrote:
So you want terrorist treated like common criminals?

Dear hypocrite...
It belonged in the that thread because it shows how you and the rethuglicon's have a warped sense of what the 2nd amendment actually says. I could have also placed it in the Revoltin' Rethuglicons thread. It shows how you think it is OK to suspend the constitution when it fits your needs. What about the 3,697 that have been killed by guns since Sandy Hook?

Why not suspend the 2nd amendment because almost 4,000 people have been killed?

Author:  -={ARCLIGHT}=- [ Thu Apr 25, 2013 10:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Boston Marathon TERRORIST

chuckmo48 wrote:
Why not suspend the 2nd amendment because almost 4,000 people have been killed?

Should we also suspend the first amendment just because liberals are easily offended?

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