Northwest Indiana Discussion

The New Civility
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Author:  happy jack [ Wed Nov 03, 2010 12:33 pm ]
Post subject:  The New Civility ... 78380.html

Obama Doubles Down On 'Civility' In Sober Post-Election Remarks

First Posted: 11- 3-10 02:03 PM | Updated: 11- 3-10 02:03 PM

But the defining feature of his remarks was his re-commitment to the notions of post-partisan dialogue, collaboration and what he called "civility."

A few questions for you, Mr. President:

Were you demanding ‘civility’ while your favorite preacher screamed “God damn America" for twenty years?
Were you demanding ‘civility’ when your Attorney General called Americans a “nation of cowards”?
Were you demanding ‘civility’ when you told us, before you had any facts whatsoever, that the Cambridge police “acted stupidly”?
Were you demanding ‘civility’ while the New Black Panthers intimidated voters?
Were you demanding 'civility' when you described Americans who chose to not vote for you as those who “get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.”?
Were you demanding 'civility' when you said, "We're going to punish our enemies, and we're going to reward our friends who stand with us on issues that are important to us."?

It seems that the only time civility matters to you is when the tougher kid you harassed from behind the safety of your mother’s skirt finally catches up to you in neutral territory. Then, suddenly, civility becomes very important to you.
You are a bully, you are a fraud, and, as evidenced by yesterday's results, a majority of the population realizes it.

Author:  THD [ Wed Nov 03, 2010 12:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The New Civility

happy jack wrote:

Obama Doubles Down On 'Civility' In Sober Post-Election Remarks

First Posted: 11- 3-10 02:03 PM | Updated: 11- 3-10 02:03 PM

But the defining feature of his remarks was his re-commitment to the notions of post-partisan dialogue, collaboration and what he called "civility."

A few questions for you, Mr. President:

Were you demanding ‘civility’ while your favorite preacher screamed “God damn America" for twenty years?
Were you demanding ‘civility’ when your Attorney General called Americans a “nation of cowards”?
Were you demanding ‘civility’ when you told us, before you had any facts whatsoever, that the Cambridge police “acted stupidly”?
Were you demanding ‘civility’ while the New Black Panthers intimidated voters?
Were you demanding 'civility' when you described Americans who chose to not vote for you as those who “get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.”?

It seems that the only time civility matters to you is when the tougher kid you harassed from behind the safety of your mother’s skirt finally catches up to you in neutral territory. Then, suddenly, civility becomes very important to you.

Well put jack. This guy is a phony from the word go. He claims to be devastated over all the "good folks" who got their asses fired from Washington last night. The fact is that he knew these poor saps were walking the plank when they voted for the healthcare bill. Not to mention all the collateral damage to Dems at the state level. He didn't give a s*** then, and rest assured, he doesn't give a s*** now.

Author:  -={ARCLIGHT}=- [ Wed Nov 03, 2010 12:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The New Civility


Author:  mike3775 [ Wed Nov 03, 2010 12:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The New Civility

OMG that is an awesome pic Arc

Author:  -={ARCLIGHT}=- [ Wed Nov 03, 2010 1:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The New Civility

It made me laugh when I saw it.

Author:  Moby Grape [ Thu Nov 04, 2010 9:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The New Civility

barack obama is a filthy liar.

remember when he said ''I won''

does anybody really believe he wants to cooperate?

he hates this country

he hates prosperity

he hates freedom

he hates our military

he and the rest of the dimwitcrats can go fück themselves..except the dims who would be smart enough to vote to impeach this loser.

Author:  mike3775 [ Thu Nov 04, 2010 3:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The New Civility

The thing is, unless a D runs against him and defeats him in the primaries, he will easily win re-election like how he won in 2008

There is not anyone who has teased a run in 2012 from the Republicans that I could honestly say has a chance of defeating him right now

Author:  Moby Grape [ Wed Sep 07, 2011 6:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The New Civility

These useful idiots show the same level of civility, maturity and intelligence that the libtards around here do.

Now they want to create death camps for people who don't think along the same lines they do. (where have we seen this before?)

We even have one on this board who likes to invite folks to the gun range to settle differences.

I wonder if he invented this game or do all the libtards think like this?...

Tea Party Zombies Must Die
National Review Online, by Daniel Foster

Hey kids, hear about the latest rage? It’s “Tea Party Zombies Must Die” an exciting new first-person shooter “Advergame.” Here’s how it’s described:

DON’T GET TEA-BAGGED! The Tea Party zombies are walking the streets of America. Grab your weapons and bash their rotten brains to bits! Destroy zombie Sarah Palin, Michele Bachmann, Glenn Beck, the Koch Brothers, and many more!

Don’t believe the hype? I took the game for a whirl and managed to snag some choice screenshots. Here’s some of the graffiti that appears inside the “trailer park” level.

If you can’t make it out, that sign says “MORE TAX KUTS 4 RICH FOKE!”

Read More ... iel-foster

Author:  chuckmo48 [ Thu Sep 22, 2011 2:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The New Civility

Moby Grape wrote:
Now they want to create death camps for people who don't think along the same lines they do. (where have we seen this before?)

Like the tea-baggers that clapped when asked should you let an uninsured 30 year old die?
Moby Grape wrote:
Don’t believe the hype? I took the game for a whirl and managed to snag some choice screenshots. Here’s some of the graffiti that appears inside the “trailer park” level.
If you can’t make it out, that sign says “MORE TAX KUTS 4 RICH FOKE!”

Sounds like it hits the mark on that one!

Author:  chuckmo48 [ Thu Sep 22, 2011 2:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The New Civility

Here's an oldie but goodie...ala the civil repuks:
GOP leader Mitch McConnell, who set the tone early on by declaring the Republicans' top political priority would be denying Obama a second term in the White House.

So if the President does not get re-elected, does that mean on the 1st day of the new administration the Dems should have the same agenda as the repuks (and state it publicly) ... if that happens I do not want to hear any BS coming out of any cons on this board!

Author:  -={ARCLIGHT}=- [ Thu Sep 22, 2011 5:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The New Civility

chuckmo48 wrote:
So if the President does not get re-elected,

No "if" about it.

Author:  Moby Grape [ Fri Oct 14, 2011 8:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The New Civility

these are THE SAME idiots who call the Tea Party violent extremists yet CAN'T PROVIDE ONE EXAMPLE of it.

Violence Breaks Out During
‘Occupy Wall Street’ March
Toward New York Stock Exchange

CBS News

Just a few hours after protesters learned they’d be able to stay in Zuccotti Park indefinitely, violence broke out as a group marched away from it. Protesters, apparently jubilant over being able to stay in the park after their furious cleanup efforts, took their brooms, flags and signs and started fanning out at around 7:30 a.m. 1010 WINS’ Steve Sandberg reported the protesters were saying things to the effect that now that they’d cleaned up the park, they were going to clean up Wall Street. ... ll-street/

Author:  Moby Grape [ Fri Oct 14, 2011 8:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The New Civility

And these are THE SAME idiots who whine about Rush Limbaugh.

Donny Deutsch: No One Should
Be Killed, But Occupy Wall
St. Needs A ‘Kent State Moment’

Mediaite, by James Crugnale

On Friday’s Morning Joe, Donny Deutsch made a stirring observation about Occupy Wall Street, suggesting the movement needed a Kent State-like climactic moment. The provocative comment earned a deservedly derisive reaction from his hosts Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski who chided and smacked Deutsch respectively.

The famous ad man and regular Morning Joe guest seemed to know that he was wading into dangerous territory when he said:

“You know what this movement needs? One is obvious one not so obvious. Everybody is saying they need to clarify. They need policy issues…The other thing it needs and I don’t want this to come out the wrong way. Not needs but will happen. If you think back to the late ’60s, what is the most stirring image of all of the rebellion that happened? What do we remember? Kent State. Now I’m not saying somebody has to get killed. What will happen, will there be a climax moment of class warfare somehow played out on screen that I think will, the same way 999 if you will kind of simplifies a message that articulates this clash so both the real clarification. We’re a visual society.”

Scarborough quickly clarified Deutsch’s odd comment by adding “I would hope the police officers around our country understand it ... te-moment/

Author:  -={ARCLIGHT}=- [ Fri Oct 14, 2011 11:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The New Civility

Moby Grape wrote:
And these are THE SAME idiots who whine about Rush Limbaugh.

Donny Deutsch: No One Should
Be Killed, But Occupy Wall
St. Needs A ‘Kent State Moment’

Mediaite, by James Crugnale

On Friday’s Morning Joe, Donny Deutsch made a stirring observation about Occupy Wall Street, suggesting the movement needed a Kent State-like climactic moment. The provocative comment earned a deservedly derisive reaction from his hosts Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski who chided and smacked Deutsch respectively.

The famous ad man and regular Morning Joe guest seemed to know that he was wading into dangerous territory when he said:

“You know what this movement needs? One is obvious one not so obvious. Everybody is saying they need to clarify. They need policy issues…The other thing it needs and I don’t want this to come out the wrong way. Not needs but will happen. If you think back to the late ’60s, what is the most stirring image of all of the rebellion that happened? What do we remember? Kent State. Now I’m not saying somebody has to get killed. What will happen, will there be a climax moment of class warfare somehow played out on screen that I think will, the same way 999 if you will kind of simplifies a message that articulates this clash so both the real clarification. We’re a visual society.”

Scarborough quickly clarified Deutsch’s odd comment by adding “I would hope the police officers around our country understand it ... te-moment/

What we really need is a nice cold snap, that would clear the park, or a week of rain, it is mid October after all.

Author:  Moby Grape [ Fri Nov 04, 2011 12:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The New Civility

Larry O'Donnell Calls for Occupy D.C. to Bring 'Firestorm'
to Nat'l Restaurant Association's HQ

NewsBusters, by Matt Hadro

Did MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell ignore President Obama's previous calls for civility? The late-night host, in a five-minute Thursday night tirade, called for violence by specifically telling Occupy D.C. protesters to bring a "firestorm" to the National Restaurant Association (NRA) headquarters nearby, as well as to the NRA's corporate sponsors which include Starbucks and 7-11.

O'Donnell insisted that the organization release presidential candidate Herman Cain's accuser from her confidentiality agreement and let her bring the allegations against Cain to the public. If by Friday they still refused to do so, "then a firestorm should be visited upon the 1200 17th Street Northwest and the members of the National Restaurant Association," ranted O'Donnell. [Video available shortly. Click here for audio.]

O'Donnell carefully articulated the building's address twice and also gave the nearest intersection and Metro stop, telling Occupy D.C. protesters that it lay only five blocks from their protest at McPherson Square.

He also aired a picture of an NRA executive, explaining that "I want people to see the people who are currently protecting the secrets of Herman Cain." This came just before he called for protesters to occupy the NRA headquarters and bring a "firestorm" there. ... -associati

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