Northwest Indiana Discussion

DNC Circle Jerk
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Author:  Moby Grape [ Thu Sep 06, 2012 7:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: DNC Circle Jerk

edge540 wrote:
It's really quite amazing how far brain dead racist morons have heads up their asses.
Op-Ed Contributor
Let Detroit Go Bankrupt


Published: November 18, 2008

IF General Motors, Ford and Chrysler get the bailout that their chief executives asked for yesterday, you can kiss the American automotive industry goodbye. It won’t go overnight, but its demise will be virtually guaranteed...

nowhere in this article does it appear that Romney said or even implied it.

Author:  edge540 [ Thu Sep 06, 2012 7:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: DNC Circle Jerk

Op-Ed Contributor
Let Detroit Go Bankrupt


It's really quite amazing how far brain dead racist morons have heads up their asses.

Author:  Moby Grape [ Thu Sep 06, 2012 7:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: DNC Circle Jerk

What he meant was why should working class and lower middle class taxpayers be expected to pay billions to prop up the jobs of union ass holes who drove the company to bankruptcy in the first place?

I mean we all know how much you hate big bad evil corporations right.

What about small business edge? Should Barack Obama bail out every one of them that is failing?

if not why not?

or STFU.

Author:  edge540 [ Thu Sep 06, 2012 8:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: DNC Circle Jerk

Bin Laden is dead and GM is alive.

GM August U.S. sales rise on growth in all brands

By MarketWatch

General Motors Co.'s GM+3.03% U.S. auto sales rose 10% in August as all four major brands posted growth, led by Buick.

Results were ahead of expectations from car-shopping website

Broadly, U.S. new auto sales for August are expected to rise 20% from a year ago and 12% from July, Edmunds said last week. Edmunds had expected GM to report a 6.4% rise from a year earlier.

The auto maker reported it sold 240,520 vehicles in August, up from 218,479 a year earlier and 20% above July's total of 201,237.

Author:  comedian [ Thu Sep 06, 2012 8:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: DNC Circle Jerk

edge540 wrote:
Bin Laden is dead and GM is alive.

GM August U.S. sales rise on growth in all brands

By MarketWatch

General Motors Co.'s GM+3.03% U.S. auto sales rose 10% in August as all four major brands posted growth, led by Buick.

Results were ahead of expectations from car-shopping website

Broadly, U.S. new auto sales for August are expected to rise 20% from a year ago and 12% from July, Edmunds said last week. Edmunds had expected GM to report a 6.4% rise from a year earlier.

The auto maker reported it sold 240,520 vehicles in August, up from 218,479 a year earlier and 20% above July's total of 201,237.

Here's an idea...Let's ban their profits...thats what dems want after all... :smt005 :smt006

Author:  edge540 [ Thu Sep 06, 2012 8:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: DNC Circle Jerk

Author:  Moby Grape [ Thu Sep 06, 2012 9:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: DNC Circle Jerk

edge540 wrote:
Bin Laden is dead and GM is alive.

GM August U.S. sales rise on growth in all brands

By MarketWatch

General Motors Co.'s GM+3.03% U.S. auto sales rose 10% in August as all four major brands posted growth, led by Buick.

Results were ahead of expectations from car-shopping website

Broadly, U.S. new auto sales for August are expected to rise 20% from a year ago and 12% from July, Edmunds said last week. Edmunds had expected GM to report a 6.4% rise from a year earlier.

The auto maker reported it sold 240,520 vehicles in August, up from 218,479 a year earlier and 20% above July's total of 201,237.

what they don't tell you is that the majority are gub'mint fleet sales.

Author:  -={ARCLIGHT}=- [ Thu Sep 06, 2012 10:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: DNC Circle Jerk

edge540 wrote:
It's really quite amazing how far brain dead racist morons have heads up their asses.
Op-Ed Contributor
Let Detroit Go Bankrupt


Published: November 18, 2008

IF General Motors, Ford and Chrysler get the bailout that their chief executives asked for yesterday, you can kiss the American automotive industry goodbye. It won’t go overnight, but its demise will be virtually guaranteed...

Quit going OFF TOPIC on this thread.

Author:  -={ARCLIGHT}=- [ Thu Sep 06, 2012 11:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: DNC Circle Jerk


Author:  Moby Grape [ Thu Sep 06, 2012 1:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: DNC Circle Jerk

First we have these libtard loonies BOOING God and Jerusalem then they get the diaper heads in a twist...

what a joke this dumbocrat convention has become...

Arab-Americans object
to Jerusalem changes

Politico, by Byron Tau

CHARLOTTE, N.C. — The president of a top Arab American group is lashing out at the 11th hour political maneuvering that restored language about Israel capital to the Democratic convention platform — calling the move "insulting to my community."

Dr. James Zogby, president of the Arab American Institute (AAI), a DNC delegate and a member of the convention's platform committee, blasted the re-insertion of language affirming that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel in an interview with POLITICO.

"Today’s amendment to re-insert the language on Jerusalem was a clear case of putting pandering above responsible politics. Not only is this change a knee-jerk reaction to baseless accusations from the far-right that the Democratic Party has “thrown Israel under the bus,” it also flies in the face of decades of policy," Zogby's group AAI wrote in a statement.

"I think it was embarrassing," Zogby said. "What bothers me is the way it was done."

Democrats had initially dropped some language dating to 2008 about Jerusalem in their 2012 platform — but restored it on a quick voice vote Wednesday.

While two-thirds of the delegates were required to vote in the affirmative, there was significant opposition on the floor to the resolution — which also restored the word God to the platform. The DNC held the voice vote three times, before declaring it passed without a roll call. That news was met with boos from delegates across the convention hall. ... 34623.html

Author:  happy jack [ Thu Sep 06, 2012 4:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: DNC Circle Jerk


"You didn't fill that."

Author:  Moby Grape [ Thu Sep 06, 2012 5:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: DNC Circle Jerk

Fact Check: Top Ten
Clinton DNC Falsehoods

Breitbart Big Government, by Ben Shapiro

Bill Clinton’s speech last night at the Democratic National Convention was a brilliant act performed by a master magician. It was also, like all magic, sleight-of-hand.

Actually, to be more blunt, it was a toxic, 50-minute bromide of lies, prevarications, and misdirections so fictional that it ought to be placed on the shelves alongside Fifty Shades of Gray (come to think of it, the speech was also sadomasochistic, if the reaction of the Clintonite media was any indicator).

There are dozens of problems in the Clinton speech. But let’s just start with the top ten:

1. “Since 1961, for 52 years now, the Republicans have held the White House 28 years, the Democrats 24. In those 52 years, our private economy has produced 66 million private- sector jobs. So what's the job score? Republicans: twenty-four million. Democrats: forty-two.” ... inton-Lies

Author:  -={ARCLIGHT}=- [ Thu Sep 06, 2012 6:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: DNC Circle Jerk

Al Gore Boycotting Dem Convention Because Of Clash With Obama Over Eco-Policy, “He’s Snubbing Them, Because They Snubbed Him”
Nothing like a little internecine warfare among the left.
Al Gore is boycotting the Democratic National Convention because he doesn’t get along with President Obama and is disappointed that Obama hasn’t pushed harder for a cap-and-trade law that would force Americans to use less fossil fuels, sources tell Flash.

While tens of thousands of Democrats from across the country are gathered in Charlotte, N.C., Gore stayed in New York to cover the convention for his struggling Current TV channel. “Gore was not treated respectfully by the Obama team. He’s snubbing them, because they snubbed him,” said one Democratic fundraiser.

Former President Bill Clinton has been given an active role in Obama’s re-election effort, and was given a prime-time slot to speak just before Obama accepted his nomination last night. But Clinton’s running mate, a winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, has been an invisible man.

“He’s been missing in action. It’s not just the convention. Gore hasn’t made any speeches for for Obama, or campaign appearances, or fundraising solicitations … nothing,” said our source.

Author:  edge540 [ Thu Sep 06, 2012 7:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: DNC Circle Jerk

Fact Check: Top Ten
Clinton DNC Falsehoods

Breitbart Big Government, by Ben Shapiro

Using breitbart for checking facts, now that's funny.
Bill Clinton says Democratic presidents top Republican presidents in job creation

Our ruling

Clinton’s figures check out, and they also mirror the broader results we came up with two years ago. Partisans are free to interpret these findings as they wish, but on the numbers, Clinton’s right. We rate his claim True. ... op-republ/

Author:  -={ARCLIGHT}=- [ Thu Sep 06, 2012 7:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: DNC Circle Jerk

edge540 wrote:
Using breitbart for checking facts, now that's funny.

Everybody knows edge only trusts the HuffPo.

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