Northwest Indiana Discussion

Deranged Liberals
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Author:  Moby Grape [ Sat Apr 16, 2011 7:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Deranged Liberals


Nancy Calls for kumbaya
New York Post


Pity poor Nancy Pelosi -- the House minority leader is stuck in the past.

Speaking to a college crowd last Friday, she admonished her audience: "The fact is, is that elections shouldn't matter as much as they do."

Of course not. She just lost one.

Hmm: Back in 2006, when she became House speaker, she said the election was "an historic [event] . . . for which we have waited for over 200 years."

But if that election was consequential, so was last November's, wherein Pelosi was relegated to oblivion.

Still raging at the outcome, this week she scolded the GOP for being taken over by Tea Party ideologues.

Said she to GOP colleagues: "Take back your party, so that it doesn't matter so much who wins the election, because we have shared values."

What she really wants is for Republicans to forget about limited government and embrace her "values," a creepy by-word for whatever left-wing causes Nancy cherishes.

Read more: ... z1Jh5uVDdW

Author:  Moby Grape [ Sat Apr 16, 2011 8:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Deranged Liberals




Top 10 Outrageous Debbie Wasserman Schultz Quotes
by Human Events


Any chance that the Democrats would try to run to the political center during the 2012 elections went out the window when Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz of Florida was named recently to head the Democratic National Committee (DNC). With a rating of 100% by Americans for Democratic Action (ADA) and a 0% rating from the American Conservative Union (ACU), Wasserman Schultz is a hard-core leftie. These Top 10 Outrageous Debbie Wasserman Schultz Quotes prove the point.

1. Death trap for seniors: When Republican Rep. Paul Ryan unveiled his sensible attempt to control government spending, Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz hysterically responded by saying, “We see a clear attempt for the government to back out of its commitment to seniors. As a result, many seniors in America will be forced into poverty, and worse. Some seniors will end up dying because they are forced to put off getting that pain checked out due to huge out-of-pocket costs that will skyrocket for them. … This plan would literally be a death trap for some seniors.”

2. Don’t call it ObamaCare: Wasserman Schultz asked for a rules clarification on the floor of the House of Representatives, saying Republicans’ use of the term ObamaCare was disparaging to the President. “Is it a violation of the House rule wherein members are not permitted to make disparaging references to the President of the United States? In two previous gentlemen’s statements on the amendment, both of them referred to the Affordable Care Act, which is the accurate title of the health care reform law, as ‘ObamaCare.’ That is a disparaging reference to the President of the United States. … It is clearly in violation of House rules against that.”

3. Empathetic judges: Wasserman Schultz wants federal judges who can feel your pain—apparently upholding the Constitution is secondary. “Diversity on the bench is critical. As practitioners, you need judges who ‘get it’! We need judges who understand what discrimination feels like. We need judges who understand what inequality feels like. We need judges who understand the subtleties of unfair treatment and who are willing to call it out when they see it.”

4. Class warfare: Wasserman Schultz clings to the old stereotype that the Democratic Party represents the common man and Republicans only care about the super rich. In actuality, Democrats are beholden to the Hollywood elite, academia, gay activists, feminists, and public employee unions—not exactly the Woody Guthrie crowd. Says Wasserman Schultz: “We must expose the stark difference between the Democrats fighting for the middle class and Republicans fighting for the elite and the ultra-wealthy.”

5. Belittling to include military: When the House Judiciary Committee considered adding an amendment to include attacks against military veterans to hate crimes legislation, Wasserman Schultz said that would be belittling to gays, blacks and Jews: “I represent one of the largest gay populations in the United States of America. One of the largest Jewish populations in the United States of America. Our region has a very large African-American population. It really is belittling of the respect that we should have for these groups to suggest that members of the armed services have somehow systematically been the victims of hate crimes.”

6. Global warming death knell:
Wasserman Schultz must have drunk a large portion of global-warming-hysteria Kool-Aid. Here she is predicting catastrophe for Florida due to rising temperatures: “The effects of global warming threaten global environmental upheaval over the coming century. But for South Florida and the Everglades, it could be our death knell if urgent action is not taken.”

7. Demonizes Tea Party:
Wasserman Schultz held a small rally last year outside the office of Republican Allen West, denouncing the war hero who was running for the Florida congressional seat he eventually won. Explaining the difference between the expression of her First Amendment rights and Tea Party rallies, she said, “I don’t see any swastikas or any pictures of the President in black face or burned in effigy here. The difference between the way we express our First Amendment rights and the way I’ve seen Tea Party extremists—Republican Tea Party extremists—express their right is dramatically different.”

8. “Mommy, are you going to get shot”:
After Rep. Gabrielle Giffords was shot in Arizona, Wasserman Schultz used her daughter’s anxiety to score political points: “After my daughter heard that, you know, Gabby had been shot, the first thing she asked me was, you know, ‘Mommy, are you going to get shot? Does that mean you're going to get shot? … But Mommy, Florida's going to pass an immigration law like Arizona and then people are going to be mad at you.’ ”

9. Union rabble-rouser: Wasserman Schultz, in an address at George Washington University, said that Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker deserved the “organizer-of-the-year award” for energizing public-employee unions after trying to rein in the cost to the state of their lucrative pensions and health care benefits. “The sleeping giant has been awakened,” she said, according to Politico.

10. Democrats’ communication problem: Wasserman Schultz echoes President Obama’s assertion that Democratic election woes are due to not communicating all their accomplishments, not that they've pushed unpopular policies. At her first press conference as DNC chairwoman, she said: "This past election was tough. We must do a better job of clearly articulating our accomplishments to the American people."

Author:  karent [ Sat Apr 16, 2011 9:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Deranged Liberals

Looks like neither side is courting the center.

Author:  Moby Grape [ Mon Apr 18, 2011 8:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Deranged Liberals

Second hero joined Officer Anthony Presley in Brooklyn gun battle
New York Daily News, by Rocco Parascandola, Michael Preston,

A school safety agent grabbed the gun from a wounded cop and exchanged fire with thieves trying to rob a Brooklyn auto parts store Saturday, law enforcement sources said. The 50-year-old school safety agent was visiting ARJ Auto Repair in Bedford-Stuyvesant on Saturday night with a group that included hero cop Anthony Presley, 39, sources said.


The agent, who is not licensed to carry a gun, could face charges, sources said. ... attle.html

remember folks, when you're visiting New York and you get robbed and shot at, the DEMOCRATS expect you to obey THEIR LAWS and DO NOT defend yourself, your family, your friends or even a downed cop even if they are being mowed down by gangbangers bulets.

They will prosecute you and imprison you for doing so.

Guns are bad.

Author:  Moby Grape [ Wed Apr 20, 2011 8:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Deranged Liberals

Obama the "Biggest Affirmative Action Baby in History"
American Spectator, by W. James Antle, III

I'm really surprised this hasn't created any controversy, at least as far as I'm aware. Riffing off a Jay Cost post on President Obama's tin political ear, Mickey Kaus explains how Obama could be a bad politician and still get elected to the nation's highest office: The answer is distressingly obvious: Obama's the biggest affirmative action baby in history. When other pols are trying, failing, learning, while climbing up the middle rungs of the ladder, he got a pass; e) He's the second president in a row to get a pass- ... ffirmative

Author:  Moby Grape [ Thu Apr 21, 2011 12:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Deranged Liberals


just when you think you've seen it all...

These leftoids are sick...

this is their idea of humor?

Huggies Diapers, Papa John's
Pizza Pull Ads From Left-Wing
Blog Attacking Trig Palin

Chicago Tribune, by Warner Todd Huston

Note, I was going to ignore this story, but since advertisers are pulling out over it, I felt I'd better write about it.

One of the left's favorite websites is called Wonkeete. It is popular because it has a reputation of being newsie, yet snarky, sort of like a less intelligent version of Comedy Central's Daily Report. Truth be known it is more often than not merely profane as opposed to humorous or droll and for some of its advertisers the profane site has gone too far with its April 18 post making fun of Trig Palin, a child with Down's Syndrome.

Wankette "writer" Jack Stuef decided it would be "fun" to mark Trig Palin's third birthday by posting a "funny" post calling the child "retarded," demeaning Trig's intelligence as America's "great gentleman scholar," Saying that Todd Palin molested his own daughter and that resulted in Trig's birth, saying that the child can't dream because "he's retarded," making fun of Trig's sister, Piper, for loving the boy, and saying that because he has Down's Syndrome, Trig is only "somewhat alive."

That is a lot of hate for a three year old developmentally disabled child, isn't it? Imagine. Leftists think all that hate spewed upon a child is "humor." Sort of tells you where leftists are coming from, doesn't it?

Read more: ... z1KBL1S3Ma

Author:  -={ARCLIGHT}=- [ Tue Apr 26, 2011 5:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Deranged Liberals

San Fran Voters Asked to Ban Circumcision

Author:  Moby Grape [ Sun May 01, 2011 6:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Deranged Liberals

Don’t We Have Enough
Criminal Citizens Now?

Canada Free Press

On April 29, 2011 CNS published an online news story titled, “Three Convicted in Terror-Related Cases Later Granted U. S. Citizenship by Obama Administration, written by Edwin Mora.

This story had all the necessary elements to make decent and real American citizen’s hackles stand up on the backs of their necks.

Of all the fighting we legal citizens of this country have had to do to try to stop this anti-American, anti-U. S. Constitution, anti-responsible fiscal housekeeping, Socialist-communist government save for one half of the otherwise corrupt Congress from absolute criminal actions intent on the total destruction of our once good and honest country; we are now faced with openly dishonest and country killing “in-your-face-America” decisions by its leadership.

It seems that the more “we the people” complain about the illicit and undesirable conduct of people like Obama, Holder, Pelosi, Reid and a vast array of corrupt and dishonest labor union bosses, the more they arrogantly stand right there and seemingly take everything just one more step farther in disobedience and disrespect for the majority wishes.

Author:  Moby Grape [ Sun May 01, 2011 8:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Deranged Liberals

Left-leaning Center for American
Progress blames Republicans
for devastating tornadoes

Daily Caller, by Amanda Carey

The left-leaning Center for American Progress published a blog post Thursday blaming Republicans for the tornadoes that devastated the South earlier this week. “The congressional delegations of these states – Alabama, Tennessee, Mississippi, Georgia, Virginia, and Kentucky – overwhelmingly voted to reject the science that polluting the climate is dangerous,” wrote CAP’s Brad Johnson. “They are deliberately ignoring the warning from scientists.”


Despite attempts to link the tornadoes to climate change, many experts dismiss the theory. Grady Dixon, assistant professor of meteorology and climatology at Mississippi State University said, “If you look at the past 60 years of data, ... tornadoes/

Author:  Moby Grape [ Wed May 18, 2011 11:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Deranged Liberals

Forget the gas tax - a driving tax may be next
CNNMoney, by Steve Hargreaves

NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- Washington lawmakers are kicking around a new idea to help raise funds to fix our highways and infrastructure: a national driving tax charging motorists by the mile.

Because greater fuel economy is letting motorists drive more miles using less gas, the current gas tax that funds the federal government's efforts to build and maintain highways isn't generating enough money.

A driving tax, officially known as a "vehicle miles traveled" tax, could close that gap. ... x_drivers/

what is it with these people? Not a one of them knows how to manage money and the democrats solution is to tax tax tax tax tax.

Author:  Moby Grape [ Thu May 19, 2011 12:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Deranged Liberals

Right-To-Work-State Dems Won't Back Jobs, Boeing Over Unions, NLRB
Investor's Business Daily, by Sean Higgins

One week after Republican senators introduced a bill to counter the National Labor Relations Board’s complaint vs. Boeing (BA), not a single Democrat, not even the ones who represent states with right-to-work laws, have signed on as co-sponsors. According to Sen. Jim DeMint, R-S.C., they’re not going to get any either, and that probably dooms the bill.

“Whether we can get any Democratic support is very doubtful. They are very afraid of doing anything that antagonizes unions, even if behind the scenes they agree with us,” DeMint told IBD. “So I don’t really know that we can pass it.”

DeMint said the GOP will continue to push it, but conceded it needs bipartisan support to break the Senate’s 60-vote filibuster threshold. The Democrats “saw what happened to Blanche Lincoln,” he said, referring to the pro-business Senate Democrat from Arkansas who was targeted by Big Labor during her 2010 re-election bid. She survived a brutal primary, but was too damaged to win the general election, though she probably would have been a longshot in any case. ... nions-nlrb

Author:  Moby Grape [ Fri May 20, 2011 8:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Deranged Liberals

Stephen Colbert's Free Speech Problem
Wall Street Journal, by Steve Simpson and Paul Sherman

Comedy Central funnyman Stephen Colbert, like most of his friends and allies on the left, thinks that last year's Supreme Court ruling in Citizens United v. FEC is, literally, ridiculous. To make his case that the ruling invites "unlimited corporate money" to dominate politics, Mr. Colbert decided to set up a political action committee (PAC) of his own. So far, though, the joke's been on him.(Snip) Mr. Colbert couldn't set up his PAC because his show airs on Comedy Central, which is owned by Viacom, and corporations like Viacom cannot make contributions to PACs that give money to candidates. ... rialPage_h

Author:  Moby Grape [ Wed May 25, 2011 12:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Deranged Liberals

Howard Dean: Far-Right Hates
Muslims, Gays and Immigrants


As readers are likely aware, former Vermont governor Howard Dean is a contributor to CNBC, and in this role, he continues to say the darnedest things. On Monday's "The Last Word," Dean said of the far-right, "They hate Muslims, they hate gays, they hate immigrants, and the rhetoric in the primaries shows that" (video follows with transcript and commentary): HOWARD DEAN, CNBC: Let’s look at what these guys are doing. The far-right is what I call the Hate Wing of the Republican Party. They’re over-represented in primaries, and of course when elections come along, they generally don’t win. ... immigrants

Author:  Moby Grape [ Wed Jun 01, 2011 10:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Deranged Liberals

Matt Drudge's disgus ting
race war awareness campaig
Salon, by Alex Pareene

Matt Drudge's non-political obsessions used to be harmless things like "extreme weather" and "pictures of Olympic wrestlers."


It all came to a head, as John Cook noted, this Memorial Day weekend when Drudge posted 10 separate headlines -- including the massive, above-the-logo one -- related to violent incidents involving "urban" people at venues like "Black Bike Week" in Miami and "Rib Fest" in Rochester, N.Y. There was an "Urban Melee in Charlotte," for example. Do you know what makes an "urban melee" different from a regular "melee"? ... race_panic

Author:  Moby Grape [ Mon Jun 06, 2011 2:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Deranged Liberals

one of the daffodils favorite websites.

Daily Kos sticks up for Weiner
by publishing identities
of underage girls

Daily Caller, by Matthew Boyle

Daily Kos founder Markos Moulitsas allowed the publication of underage girls’ identities on his blog in an attempt to vilify Andrew Breitbart and exonerate New York Democratic Rep. Anthony Weiner. Tommy Christopher, an openly left-wing journalist at Mediaite, reported Friday morning that Moulitsas’s site published personally identifiable information about two young women who have become somewhat involved in the #Weinergate scandal.


What’s Moulitsas’s defense for allowing the publication of the underage girls’ personally identifiable information in an attempt to exonerate the scandal-plagued Weiner? “Daily Kos is a community site with tens of thousands of diarists,” he told TheDC. “We ... age-girls/

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