Northwest Indiana Discussion

Arizona Rep. Giffords shot, several wounded
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Author:  happy jack [ Sun Jan 09, 2011 6:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Arizona Rep. Giffords shot, several wounded

sparks wrote:
"Hey, Sarah Palin, hows that hatey, killy, reloady, crosshairsy thing working out for ya?" -- Tweet from Comedian Frank Conniff

Good thing you mentioned that he was a comedian - I would have never known based on his tweet.

Author:  happy jack [ Sun Jan 09, 2011 8:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Arizona Rep. Giffords shot, several wounded

It certainly didn’t take long for the knee-jerkers to come out of the woodwork on this one.
Yes, ban more weapons, because we all know that the gun used in the Giffords shooting simply jumped out of its box, loaded itself, drove itself to the town hall meeting, aimed itself, and began firing. Loughner himself remained helpless as the gun pulled its own trigger over and over and over again. If that gun would have been banned in the first place, this would never have happened, and Loughner would probably right now be donating his time to a homeless shelter and saving whales (that is, when he wasn’t busy rescuing stray puppies).

Carolyn McCarthy readies gun control bill

By SHIRA TOEPLITZ | 1/9/11 5:57 PM EST

One of the fiercest gun-control advocates in Congress, Rep. Carolyn McCarthy (D-N.Y.), pounced on the shooting massacre in Tucson Sunday, promising to introduce legislation as soon as Monday.
McCarthy ran for Congress after her husband was gunned down and her son seriously injured in a shooting in 1993 on a Long Island commuter train.
“My staff is working on looking at the different legislation fixes that we might be able to do and we might be able to introduce as early as tomorrow,” McCarthy told POLITICO in a Sunday afternoon phone interview.
Gun control activists cried it was time to reform weapons laws in the United States, almost immediately after a gunman killed six and injured 14 more, including Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, in Arizona on Saturday.
Many said that people with a history of mental instability, like the alleged shooter, Jared Lee Loughner, should not be able to buy a gun — and no one should be able to buy stockpiles of ammunition used by the 22-year-old assailant.
McCarthy said she plans to confer with House Speaker John Boehner and Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi to see “if we can work something through” in the coming week.
McCarthy’s bill will look to protect ordinary people, she said, but did not offer further details.
“Again, we need to look at how this is going to work, to protect people, certainly citizens, and we have to look at what I can pass,” she said. “I don’t want to give the NRA – excuse the pun – the ammunition to come at me either.”
Pennsylvania Rep. Robert Brady, a Democrat from Philadelphia, told CNN that he also plans to take legislative action. He will introduce a bill that would make it a crime for anyone to use language or symbols that could be seen as threatening or violent against a federal official, including a member of Congress.

Another vocal supporter for gun control, Illinois Rep. Mike Quigley, told POLITICO that he hopes “something good” can come from the Arizona tragedy – perhaps discussion on a new assault weapon ban, sales at gun shows and tracing measures.
Loughner legally purchased his weapon – a Glock 19 with an extended magazine – from an Arizona store. The same kind of extended magazine was illegal under the assault
“The ability to buy a weapon that fires hundreds of bullets in less than a minute,” said Quigley. “He had an additional magazine capability. That’s not what a hunter needs. That’s not what someone needs to defend their home. That’s what you use to hunt people.”
After the Virginia Tech massacre in 2007, in which a student with a history of psychological problems killed 33 and injured 25 others, lawmakers immediately started looking at gun control reforms both in the state and atthe federal level.
Then-Virginia Gov. Tim Kaine issued an executive order making it harder for people who have been committed to mental health treatment centers to buy a gun.
In 2008 President George W. Bush signed a law expanding the National Instant Criminal Background Check System, which registered gun dealers use, to include more comprehensive reporting of mental health records. Under the current law, it is illegal for anyone who has been “adjudicated as a mental defective or committed to a mental institution” to purchase a firearm, according to the FBI’s website.
However, Loughner did not fall into either of those categories, according to Josh Horwitz, the executive director of the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence.
“I’ve seen no evidence that he falls into those categories. It’s the same thing as this guy at Virginia Tech,” said Horwitz. “We can do a much better job checking people’s mental health background.”

Author:  -={ARCLIGHT}=- [ Sun Jan 09, 2011 9:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Arizona Rep. Giffords shot, several wounded

happy jack wrote:
One of the fiercest gun-control advocates in Congress, Rep. Carolyn McCarthy (D-N.Y.), pounced on the shooting massacre

In other words, just another political opportunist.

Author:  karent [ Sun Jan 09, 2011 9:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Arizona Rep. Giffords shot, several wounded

I just wish we could stop yahoos from getting guns!

Author:  Tiger1 [ Sun Jan 09, 2011 9:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Arizona Rep. Giffords shot, several wounded

sparks wrote:
Did anyone else notice the bigotry in Tiger1"s description of the shooter? No one would describe themselves on their Facebook page as a liberal,extreme left wing homosexual commie, so we can assume it's either her interpretation of the shooter's Facebook page or an outright lie. I think it is very revealing that Tiger1 makes the claim that the shooter was homosexual. Homosexuals aren't normally the kind of people who engage in mass shooting or violence like this. Statements like this give us some insight into the mind of the typical,clueless bigot who is a Tea Party member. By claiming that the shooter was a homosexual,Tiger1 seeks to dehumanize a large group of people simply because of their choice of sexual partners.
Tiger! wrote:
The shooter was a liberal, extreme left wing homosexual commie

What would you call someone who has as his hero's, people like Hugo Chavez and Che Guevara, Saul Alinsky, Noam Chumsky, etc, and who clearly states that he is interested in men? A blasted liberal far left wing homosexual commie/socialist !
You want a copy of his Facebook main page? I will be happy to fax it to you. Read it and weep, loser liberal ! One of your own went cannibal ! :twisted:

Author:  Tiger1 [ Sun Jan 09, 2011 9:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Arizona Rep. Giffords shot, several wounded

karent wrote:
I just wish we could stop yahoos from getting guns!

There are laws, but criminals tend to ignore them. The laws do nothing but regulate the people who are honest in the 1st place.

Author:  paul87920 [ Sun Jan 09, 2011 11:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Arizona Rep. Giffords shot, several wounded


Author:  happy jack [ Mon Jan 10, 2011 2:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Arizona Rep. Giffords shot, several wounded

paul87920 wrote:
... she was talking about the necessity of carrying guns in certain parts of Alaska because you might be attacked by a bear. Seems like a legit reason to carry a gun to me.

Replace the word 'bear' with the term 'bling-wearing gold-toothed ho'-slapping urban youth' and you have a legit reason for carrying a gun anywhere.

Author:  -={ARCLIGHT}=- [ Mon Jan 10, 2011 2:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Arizona Rep. Giffords shot, several wounded

happy jack wrote:
paul87920 wrote:
... she was talking about the necessity of carrying guns in certain parts of Alaska because you might be attacked by a bear. Seems like a legit reason to carry a gun to me.

Replace the word 'bear' with the term 'bling-wearing gold-toothed ho'-slapping urban youth' and you have a legit reason for carrying a gun anywhere.

Regardless of the circumstance you find yourself in it is always infinity preferable to have a gun and not need it when compared to needing a gun and not having one.


Author:  karent [ Mon Jan 10, 2011 6:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Arizona Rep. Giffords shot, several wounded

I've managed to live over 5 decades without putting myself in a place where I needed a gun.

Author:  Moby Grape [ Mon Jan 10, 2011 7:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Arizona Rep. Giffords shot, several wounded

sparks wrote:
He also says people need to read the constitution. He sounds more like some of the whack jobs.

why do you consider someone reading our Constitution to be a ''whack job''?

Author:  Tiger1 [ Mon Jan 10, 2011 7:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Arizona Rep. Giffords shot, several wounded

Moby Grape wrote:
sparks wrote:
He also says people need to read the constitution. He sounds more like some of the whack jobs.

why do consider someone reading our Constitution to be a ''whack job''?

Because the liberals have their own version/interpretation, and do not want the truth to stand in the way of their agenda. :evil:

Author:  Moby Grape [ Mon Jan 10, 2011 9:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Arizona Rep. Giffords shot, several wounded

Tiger1 wrote:
Moby Grape wrote:
sparks wrote:
He also says people need to read the constitution. He sounds more like some of the whack jobs.

why do consider someone reading our Constitution to be a ''whack job''?

Because the liberals have their own version/interpretation, and do not want the truth to stand in the way of their agenda. :evil:

And as usual, these idiots will immediately seize this opportunity to drop the First Amendment....

Like their leaders say....''Never let a crisis go to waste''.

Author:  happy jack [ Mon Jan 10, 2011 10:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Arizona Rep. Giffords shot, several wounded

Look over here!!!
Don't you bitter clingers understand?
This is not about Giffords!!!
This is about me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me!!! ... FjdG9ubw--

Gabrielle Giffords' Shooting: The Impact on Obama's Presidency

Jonathan Alter Jonathan Alter – Mon Jan 10, 6:47 am ET

NEW YORK – Saturday’s shooting spree could prove a turning point in the Obama presidency. Jonathan Alter on how the White House should talk about the tragedy—and the echoes of Clinton at Oklahoma City.
President Obama is off to a good start in his handling of what the networks are now calling “The Tragedy in Tucson.” The moment of silence he asked for on Monday at 11 a.m.—resonant for older Americans of the exact hour on November 11 each year that the World War I Armistice was once observed—is an appropriate expression of what we need right now: Less Noise.
But silence will not be enough. This horrific event offers the president a chance to show leadership qualities that he’s inexplicably hidden away in some blind trust. The shootings and the resulting debate over the climate of incivility play to his strengths as a calm and rational leader. Just as Bill Clinton’s response to the 1995 Oklahoma City bombings helped him recover from his defeat in the 1994 midterms, so this episode may help Obama change—at least in the short term--the trajectory of American politics.

Author:  paul87920 [ Mon Jan 10, 2011 10:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Arizona Rep. Giffords shot, several wounded


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