Northwest Indiana Discussion

Rangel Calls for Reinstating Military Draft
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Author:  expresso66 [ Sat Dec 09, 2006 2:14 pm ]
Post subject: 

M&Ms: BOY, you ain't never going to learn, are you? Who are you to question combat vets when you HAVE NEVER been in combat, except when you watch John Wayne movies or Rambo movies! Your nothing but an armchair warrior, a wannabe...........! And since you or your so-called combat vet did not answer my questions to you, I find that you two Bozos are a pair of fakes, phonies, trying to decieve people that you were combat vets........... you sorry individuals! SHAME on your two fakes! See folks, one must watch oneself, the world is full of deceivers and fakes, and M & Ms, and his boy are fakers! Nice try boys, now go watch your Vietnam movies. That's the closest you two will ever get to Vietnam! Ha!

Author:  Mister Mustard [ Sat Dec 09, 2006 3:58 pm ]
Post subject: 

Looks like I hit bone. :D
If you had any shame you'd be :oops: , but you're shameless.

BTW: The Squaking Chickens operated in I Corps at the time of the battle.
An RTO is a radio telephone operator.
I don't have a clue regarding the firebase names. I left RVN in '66 and was long gone from Uncle Sugar's Army before any of them were established.

Author:  expresso66 [ Sat Dec 09, 2006 4:18 pm ]
Post subject: 

See! You can't answer any of my questions to ya...........excuses, excuses, excuses(sign of a loser) guys left Camp Evans a dump! Shame? you don't even know what the word I said before, you two are a sorry piece of crap. Now go burn your crap! You guys still don't have indoor plumbling! LOL!

Author:  Mister Mustard [ Sat Dec 09, 2006 4:28 pm ]
Post subject: 

If you were really in the 101st, you would NEVER let the reference to Squawking Chickens pass, especially from someone who wasn't in the division, especially a leg (Perhaps you'd like to tell us what a "leg" is). You missed it twice.

Do you even now know what Squawking Chickens refers to?

Let me give you a hint: Screaming Eagles ... Squawking Chickens

If you had ever been in the 101st you would know I had to have served in the 1st Air Cav (II Corps Central Highlands). One brigade of the 101st followed us to RVN about 6 months after we arrived, and served in II corps as well. Some time after I left, the 101st moved north to reinforce the Marines.

Author:  expresso66 [ Sat Dec 09, 2006 7:25 pm ]
Post subject:  OK, the fun is OVER!

I thought you were a former Marine because they were in the A-Shau Valley a year or two BEFORE the 101st was in there. Yes, the 1st Cav was headquartered at Camp Evans which was named after a dead Marine. I was a artillery RTO with the FO team, attached to B Co. 2/506 Inf, 101st Airborne, 3rd Brigade, and during the Hamburger Hill fight, was a artillery AG on the 105s right across from the Hill at FB Berchtesgaden, from May 10th to June 1st of 1969; then became attached to the 2/506th Infantry till December 15, 1969. I was home in time for New year's eve. BTW, there was a old French airstrip in the middle of the valley floor, along with A Battery, 2/319th artillery. I was at all the firebases in the valley, and humped the valley, while with the infantry, pulled palance guard at most of them too. I was only 19! Me no chicken hawk as the North Vietnamese called us; but we always left a 101st Screaming Eagle patch on the dead bodies in the valley to let them know who KIA'em. PS~The A-Shau Valley and Hamburger Hill is in I Corp. I spend 13 months there, all in I Corp area.

Author:  Mister Mustard [ Sun Dec 10, 2006 6:32 am ]
Post subject: 

Mister Mustard wrote:
Central Highlands II Corps 65-66

The Marines were in I Corps in '65-'66. AFAIK they were never in II Corps.

Author:  -={ARCLIGHT}=- [ Fri Feb 15, 2013 8:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rangel Calls for Reinstating Military Draft

Not News: Rangel To File Bill Reinstating The Military Draft. News: Including Females
If your kids get drafted into one of Barry's wars...don't try to blame the Republicans.

This is LBJ all over again.

Rep. Charles Rangel (D-N.Y.) on Friday said he plans to introduce legislation that would bring back the military draft and extend it to women for the first time.

Rangel, who has pushed for years to bring back the draft, said the Pentagon’s decision to allow women to serve in combat means that they too should register for the Selective Service.

“Now that women can serve in combat they should register for the Selective Service alongside their male counterparts,” Rangel said in a statement. “Reinstating the draft and requiring women to register for the Selective Service would compel the American public to have a stake in the wars we fight as a nation. We must question why and how we go to war, and who decides to send our men and women into harm’s way.”

In an interview on MSNBC, Rangel said the draft should be reinstated because the majority of Americans make “no real sacrifice” when the country goes to war.

Author:  chuckmo48 [ Sat Feb 16, 2013 10:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Rangel Calls for Reinstating Military Draft

-={ARCLIGHT}=- wrote:
Not News: Rangel To File Bill Reinstating The Military Draft. News: Including Females

So...I think it is great...Bet if they reinstated the draft the rethugs would not be so quick to invade other countries...of course chicken-hawks like ted nuget and rich rethuglicon's offspring would still find ways to get out of it

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