Northwest Indiana Discussion

"Dingy" Harry Reid the Liar
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Author:  edge540 [ Fri Aug 17, 2012 3:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "Dingy" Harry Reid the Liar

happy jack wrote:
edge540 wrote:
"there will be ample time for President Obama to discuss them over the next 81 days.”


I agree - most excellent, primarily because this topic is important only to the small-minded boobs who have no intention of voting for Romney anyway. And while Boy Barry is wasting his time beating this all-but-dead horse, Romney and Ryan will have more than ample time and opportunity to focus on what is actually important to normal people. then you will not continue to squeal like a pig when Mittens is mercilessly beaten to a bloody pulp until election day over this issue...right?

primarily because this topic is important only to the small-minded boobs

Yeah, here's the proof:
CNN International‎
A CNN/ORC Poll taken August 7-8 showed 63% of voters thought Romney should release additional years of tax returns. Among independents, 67% said the Republican candidate should release more years of returns.

Author:  happy jack [ Fri Aug 17, 2012 3:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "Dingy" Harry Reid the Liar

edge540 wrote: then you will not continue to squeal like a pig when Mittens is mercilessly beaten to a bloody pulp until election day over this issue...right?

The media can - and likely will - feed on this issue right up until the election, for all I care. Normal people have already tired of it and will, by election day, be downright sick of hearing about it. So, have at it - keep the issue front and center while Romney and Ryan (the grown-ups) deal with actual substantive matters.

CNN International‎
A CNN/ORC Poll taken August 7-8 showed 63% of voters thought Romney should release additional years of tax returns. Among independents, 67% said the Republican candidate should release more years of returns.

Notice the dates your poll was taken. Today is the 17th, and the story was on page 21 of today's Tribune.
Good luck with that "bloody pulp" stuff.

Author:  happy jack [ Fri Aug 17, 2012 3:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "Dingy" Harry Reid the Liar

chuckmo48 wrote:
happy jack wrote:
I agree - most excellent, primarily because this topic is important only to the small-minded boobs who have no intention of voting for Romney anyway.

...and you are still pondering who you are voting for...So that makes you a large-minded boob???

Here's a helpful suggestion, Chuckles - either make sense, or don't post.

Author:  -={ARCLIGHT}=- [ Fri Aug 17, 2012 10:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "Dingy" Harry Reid the Liar

-={ARCLIGHT}=- wrote:
chuckmo48 wrote:
More conservative hypocrisy...Go back and look at your posts about obama's birth certificate...When he produced one it still wasn't good enough for any one of you cons.

Still waiting for Barry's transcripts...Maybe he could release them first and lead by example...For once in his life.

Allen West To Obama: Show Us Your College Records And Fast And Furious Docs And We’ll Show You Our Tax Returns
What do you say, Barry?

Rep. Allen West (R-Fla.) set high stakes in an offered “deal” with President Obama on Friday.

Obama’s campaign isn’t backing down on requests to see Mitt Romney’s tax returns — on Friday, campaign manager Jim Messina offered to stop asking if he releases five years’ worth — but the freshman Florida congressman had a counteroffer for Obama.

“Show us your sealed college records and Operation Fast and Furious White House memos, and we will all show you our tax returns,” West wrote on his Facebook page Friday.

Author:  -={ARCLIGHT}=- [ Thu Sep 06, 2012 1:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "Dingy" Harry Reid the Liar

Pelosi On Harry Reid: “He Stops Listening Long Before You Stop Talking”
You don’t say?

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., said that she hasn’t “the faintest idea” why Bob Woodward reported that she put President Obama on mute during a phone call. But she added that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., might well have ignored the president. [...]

Pelosi joked that Reid might have indeed tuned out the president. “Harry Reid is probably — when he’s finished, it’s over. He stops listening long before you stop talking,” she laughed.

Author:  -={ARCLIGHT}=- [ Wed Sep 19, 2012 12:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "Dingy" Harry Reid the Liar

Dingy Back At It: On Senate Floor Says Romney Probably Doesn’t Pay Any Income Taxes
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., revived his suggestion that Mitt Romney has avoided paying income taxes in recent years.

“For all we know, Mitt Romney could be one of those who have paid no federal income tax,” Reid said on the Senate Floor this morning. “Thousands of families making more than a million dollars a year pay nothing in federal income taxes. Is Mitt Romney among those?”

Romney’s 2010 tax return shows that he paid an effective income tax rate of 13.9 percent. Romney says he’s never paid less than 13 percent in taxes.

Author:  -={ARCLIGHT}=- [ Sat Sep 22, 2012 2:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: "Dingy" Harry Reid the Liar

Nevada Republican to Harry Reid: Make our day, release your 2011 tax return

Sauce for the goose...
Should Sen. Democratic leader Harry Reid follow in the footsteps of GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney by releasing his 2011 tax return?

Dave Buell, chairman of the Washoe Country Republican party in Mr. Reid's political backyard of Nevada, certainly thinks so.

"Senator, make our day and release your 2011 tax return," he said in an email blast Friday evening.

Citing an anonymous source, Mr. Reid has repeatedly claimed in recent weeks that Mr. Romney "didn't pay taxes for 10 years."

Mr. Romney countered that over the past ten years he never paid less than 13 percent of his taxable income and that "Harry Reid's charge is totally false."

Shortly after Mr. Romney released the additional tax information, Mr. Buell blasted out the email calling for Mr. Reid to come clean and release hits tax records "so that all Nevadans can see that he is paying his fair share." He added, "In addition, Mr. Reid should explain to all of us how he became a millionaire on a bureaucrat's salary. Mitt Romney earned his money by investing in companies, people and creating jobs in the private sector while Harry Reid made his money by taking money from the private sector and redistributing it through government."

Mr. Buell also pointed out that Nevada has had the highest unemployment rate in the country.

Author:  Moby Grape [ Sat Sep 22, 2012 9:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: "Dingy" Harry Reid the Liar

edge540 wrote:
Let me know what part is going over your head:

gee edge, this old coot is sounding just like you more and more every day!

Harry Reid Claims Romney ‘Manipulated’
His Returns To Show He Paid Taxes

Mediaite, by Noah Rothman

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) is not satisfied with GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney’s release of his 2011 tax return and a summary of his last 20 years of tax returns. After claiming several times since the summer that it was possible that Romney had paid nothing whatsoever in taxes, Reid is now claiming that “creative accounting” is responsible for Romney’s returns which show he paid an average of 20.2 percent in taxes over the last two decades. (Snip) In a statement released by Reid’s office, he accuses Romney’s accountants of manipulating the Republican presidential candidate’s returns: ... aid-taxes/

Harry Reid calmly responds
to Romney’s tax release:
“He’s hiding something.
He’s hiding something!”

Hot Air, by Allahpundit

Reid’s original claim, of course, wasn’t that Romney was “hiding something” but that a Bain investor had told him Romney hadn’t paid income tax at all for 10 years. We found out a few hours ago that that’s not true if your 10-year window includes 2011, and if you believe PricewaterhouseCoopers, it’s not true for the period from 1990-2009, when he paid an average annual effective rate of 20.2 percent. Time for an apology, or time to move the goalposts? Longtime Reid-watchers know the answer. ... something/

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