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PostPosted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 2:01 pm 
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Joined: Wed Sep 23, 2009 1:29 pm
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Mike Repay has the same problem as GOP senate candidate Richard Mourdock running against Lugar, namely, the inescapable and very harsh truth that no matter who he is or what he does, he cannot and will not overcome the FACT that even at his very best, and despite any of their opponents' electoral vulnerabilities, both Peter Katic and Richard Lugar are heads and shoulders clearly - CLEARLY - the superior candidates for their respective offices.

It is rare that the truth of such a disparity progressively, relentlessly, expands and continues to grow in the teeth of Repay's endgame campaigning. Telephone marketers prying into the personal thoughts of third district citizens and probing them on how they voted in the last election; Repay yard-signs virtually blanket neighborhood lawns, and favored electoral status from the local radio - all of which offer the appearance of favorably strong support. But this sort of campaign overkill and the signs used to hide it, serves more to mask and conceal the fact that Pete Katic is easily the candidate that should be elected.

Indeed, anyone who has listened to him quickly realizes that Peter Katic's return to public life and service is that rarest of political phenomenon in Lake County: A huge windfall for county government; and in this case, an undeniable fact that looms larger and larger each day as we near the election.

Anymore, Katic's candidacy increasingly seems to have taken on a life of its own, something self-authenticating, despite the intensifying electoral pressure out to bury it. His credentials are simply outstripping any media influence, especially media out to obscure or confine the true scope and merits of his expertise and capacity for government.

For here is the rub: Any comparative appraisal of Katic's electoral merits and government expertise, in relative or absolute terms, are a matter of indisputable FACT - not advertisements and pseudo-events or images. The representation characterizing the prospects of Katic as a commissioner is not something manufactured by media for mass consumption, a mere construct introduced into the electoral stream of consciousness along the vectors exposed by Daniel J. Boorstin. (Some might recall his critique of campaign methods in the construction of pseudo realities specifically designed for manufacturing assent.)

In addition, in a county whose treasury is being steadily depleted, Repay's utterly feeble pleas that he will strive to think out-of-the-box are simply immaterial, irrelevant and moot. This seat is no place for ambitious beginners or well-meaning amateurs. We need someone accomplished with the competence to do it NOW!

Repay's lack of comparable experience and background further reveals an utter inability, for instance, to evaluate or spot the critical nuances of our county's exposure to the issues of capital punishment, and/or creatively address the soon prohibitive cost of our death penalty cases. He is simply too inexperienced and devoid of any realistic approach on how to appeal, say, to Lake County Prosecutor Bernard Carter, and possibly suggest a strategically sound legal alternative to enable his office to relax its prosecutorial discretion about seeking the death penalty.

All Repay can do, it seems, is resort to his staid but cognitively restricted mainstay of cost-benefit /cost-effectiveness in seeking to construe and/or analyze these issues. "There's not a heck of a lot we can do," said Councilman Mike Repay, D-Hammond. "Basically we can voice our opinion. They are extremely costly, and I don't think (as far as) a cost-benefit analysis it pans out. The cost far exceeds the potential reward." (See, NWInd Times, April 1, 2012 article, Toll on taxpayers growing in capital case of Gary man charged with killing wife, stepkids.)

Still, in his defense, it must be remembered, that comparatively speaking, Mike Repay is a mere 36 years old. More importantly, his thought processes administratively speaking, are underdeveloped in terms of a capacity for the critical appreciation of government. Repay remains trapped in a socio-political one-size fits all box of subjectivity indicating he is still wet behind the political ears. By contrast, Katic's 30-year immersion in the law's logic of objective and nuanced evaluation is something enjoyed by Katic every day and earned from his government expertise.

In truth and fact, Repay is simply too underqualified to exercise the judgment and discretion demanded of the county's executive branch of government. No, this doesn't prohibit his eligibility to run for the office or campaign for election, but even if he wins, Repay is still green, still wet behind his government ears. Far too green yet, unripe.

As demonstrated above, Repay's thought processes remain confined to rudimentary considerations and analogies wed to interests of double entry bookkeeping, relying heavily on commercial use of generally accepted principle of accounting - as if the issues of diminishing finances and cost of seeking capital punishment could be simplistically viewed as a problematic resolved by cost-benefit. Today little more can be trimmed from the county's departmental budgets. Repay zealous argues he wants to become commissioner in order to finally get his hands on the government's steering wheel.

But given this prevailing state-of-affairs, Mike Repay can't be said to know how to drive, let alone given the steering wheel when the governmental rubber hits, and then accelerate, along a very rough administrative road. For this isn't freeway driving, it's Baja racing in the realpolitik of Indiana. In absolute terms, Repay's true political status is that of an apprentice to administrative government. To claim otherwise borders on public electoral misrepresentation.

Consequently, as we head into the endgames of this primary's election cycle, the general pattern will be for press coverage to artificially narrow the disparities and differences between the candidates. This approach enables them to justify spinning the illusion of a neck-and-neck horse race, and within that context seed their journalistic market with bits of manufactured relevancy that passes for news.

Pseudo on not, it is fodder that fills the pages. And the closer to election day, the more the media will seek to alternately muddy or diversify perspectives by which voters navigate among the flow of signifiers constitutive of their various narrative streams. Subliminally, if not checked, the appearance of a close race as churned by a news publication or media outlet can be construed as plausible.

In the past it's all you needed. The formula worked: You can fool some of the people most of the time, and the rest jerk around.

But rather than closing gaps, the relative positions and truth of the merits distinguishing Katic from Repay are becoming wider and, worse than worst, the gap is vertical, and this is most embarrassing for the ambition of the still rookie politician Repay. Consider: His only real experience with governing consists of approximately 16 months of meetings with the county council. For those unaware, the Lake County council gathers once a month in a meeting in order to take official action. A week prior to this it gathers to conducts its monthly workshop. It is at the workshop meeting that the anyone with business before the local legislative body presents or discusses the merits of their petition or request. Two meetings per month for the past 16. A total of 32 meeting.

By contrast, anyone attending meet & greet forums or listening to WJOB for the past couple of weeks has witnessed Pete Katic masterfully diagram the entire trajectory of his actual experience, and in the process display some 30 years worth of expertise at four levels of government: State, County, City & Township.

Equally, these very same offices held by Katic of State Representive, County Commissioner, City Judge and Township advisory board member, combine to confer an insurmountable superiority of seasoned maturation in ALL THREE BRANCHES OF GOVERNMENT: LEGISLATIVE, EXECUTIVE AND JUDICIAL.

There is an old Lake County election proverb: "The sea of yard signs and placards advertised don't vote." For the objective voter, in order for your vote to secure the services of the best candidate, the only competent choice is to vote Katic.

Last edited by Neometric on Fri Apr 27, 2012 10:44 am, edited 3 times in total.

PostPosted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 2:52 pm 
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Joined: Sat Aug 09, 2008 5:15 am
Posts: 3630
Thats some funny stuff. How telling....appeal to Bernard Carter.... :smt005

Mike can make one heck of a BLT...a pounder....that's the rub. :smt006

Katic makes mince meat out of cars..... :wink:

"President Xanax"

PostPosted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:26 am 

Joined: Sun Jan 02, 2011 4:31 pm
Posts: 86
What about Katic's moral values? There have been some pretty unappetizing stories of his personal character.

If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, it expects what never was and never will be ... The People cannot be safe without information. When the press is free, and every man is able to read, all is safe. - Thomas Jefferson

PostPosted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:35 am 
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That posting or what ever you call it about how good Katic is. Its full of hot air. I think Lake County has had enough of this guy.
You can not wipe out the past by looking good today. To prove a point you present it fast and simple. To hit all points in question,
neometric took paragraph after paragraph to clear things up, as he would call it. Katic had problems in the city court, the County office, He was a shame. and costly to the tax payers. Check it out for yourself in the papers from years past. If those past newspapers articles are not true, why hasn't Katic ever challenged them.

PostPosted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:11 am 
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newsflashkid wrote:
That posting or what ever you call it about how good Katic is. Its full of hot air. I think Lake County has had enough of this guy.
You can not wipe out the past by looking good today. To prove a point you present it fast and simple.

So, there are no new beginnings, no second chances, no penance, no renewal of being, no rebirth in America today? No transcendence of history, personal or collective? No revolution in the human soul? No change or transformation? That's your position?

Well, why stop there? Let's add that every philosophy, religion offering forgiveness, hope, reconciliation is a farce, right? Grace and/or salvation are just a hoax, no matter who or what confers or achieves it?


I submit that Pete Katic has forgotten more than Mike Repay understands about government and administration. That is pretty much the thrust of my position.

PostPosted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:34 am 
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celtic1950 wrote:
What about Katic's moral values? There have been some pretty unappetizing stories of his personal character.

I felt the same way, Celt. But I have been out in observed him in person, really listened to him, and he is impressive. Indeed, most impressive.

But here's the thing: Even if Repay wins, he is still the inferior candidate. That's the facts and that is its irrefutable truth. It is simply irrational if not utterly self-destructive of the body politic to elect an inexperienced Repay when a reformed, life-chastened guy like Katic presents himself.

We can't let this degree of proven competence go unused simply to appease the vanity of an electoral novice such as young Repay. He mental depth of field is still maturing. He needs an apprentice period before we can even evaluate his administrative worth. Meanwhile, he still has three years left on the county council to fulfill. Let him get some training there.

If he hadn't enjoyed the name-recognition derived from the reputation and good will of his brother Dan, and simply been forging his own political identity, he would have been laughed out of the electorate. But because he was a Repay, AND THAT IS ALL HE IS, he was able, with help of his brother's reputation to mount a campaign and win.

Fine. But it is simply impossible to think of Repay as comparable or the equal to the status and assets possessed by Katic.

PostPosted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:43 am 
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Not only did Katic cause problems in the past. How many deals did he make as a judge. He was a disgrace to the court. How many people did he hurt in his court proceedings, to benefit a few. A few that won't even give him the time of day at present. Once a bum always a bum. I do not absorb he's a changed person. If I was in his postion, I couldn't confront the public. But now he comes out as a new person. Baloney!!!!!

PostPosted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:48 am 
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News, i bet you have an incredibly crippled self-image. Your despair is saddening. If human culture and civilization mean anything, anything at all, it means it is a collective source of redemption, renewal, and transformation.

PostPosted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 3:29 pm 
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Hey Neo,, we are discusing Peter Katic.. Where did the worm turn to discredit me personally. I haven't said I think your nuts for defending and promoting Katic. All I have been doing, is stating proven true facts about the guy. As for my crippling self image, you are way out of the ball park. Just ask me. I am rather charming, hansome , and lean towards the debonair section of life.r

PostPosted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 5:43 pm 
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newsflashkid wrote:
Hey Neo,, we are discusing Peter Katic.. Where did the worm turn to discredit me personally. I haven't said I think your nuts for defending and promoting Katic. All I have been doing, is stating proven true facts about the guy. As for my crippling self image, you are way out of the ball park. Just ask me. I am rather charming, hansome , and lean towards the debonair section of life.r

Nuts? For promoting Katic's competence against the Repay promise to try and think more out of the box? You jest.

Or what about your stance of once a bum always one? You're not serious. No one changes, not ever, not even St. Paul? Tell ya what, we won't even use that one, ok?

PostPosted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 6:21 pm 
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Listening to Pete the other day on the radio, I noticed he didn't try and hide his past. He admitted he made a few mistakes, but that he has also cleaned up since then.I think he said it's been 10 years.
I can't really say anything about Repay since he hasn't said or done much in his two years as county councilman. I personally think he should stick with one position and get some experience before trying to move on so quickly.
Novak is from the old EC crew, so not much more needs to be said about him.

PostPosted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 8:47 pm 
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It has been only 16 months, not two years as councilman.

PostPosted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:20 pm 
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It appears Mr. Katic has been an outstanding example of Lake County Political Leadership.

Case Number Party Case Type Party Type D.O.B. S.S.N. Status
45D08-9307-SC-02625 PETER KATIC Sm. Claims - D8 Plaintiff Closed
45D01-9307-CP-01063 PETER KATIC Civ. Plen. OLD H1 Civil Defendant Closed
45D02-9808-CP-00924 PETER KATIC Civ. Plen. OLD E Plaintiff Closed
45D05-9508-MI-01440 PETER KATIC Misc. - H5 Civil Defendant Closed
45D02-0009-CT-00140 PETER KATIC Civil Tort - E Other Closed
45D08-9809-SC-04321 PETER KATIC Sm. Claims - D8 Plaintiff Closed
45D10-0508-MF-00393 PETER KATIC Mortgage Foreclosure - D10 Civil Defendant Closed
45C01-0311-MF-00417 PETER KATIC Mortgage Foreclosure - C1 Civil Defendant Closed

45D08-9809-SC-04320 PETER KATIC Sm. Claims - D8 Plaintiff Closed
45D08-0008-SC-03603 PETER KATIC Sm. Claims - D8 Plaintiff Closed
45D08-9803-SC-01403 PETER KATIC Sm. Claims - D8 Plaintiff Closed
45D08-9705-SC-02554 PETER KATIC Sm. Claims - D8 Plaintiff Closed
45D08-9706-SC-02789 PETER KATIC Sm. Claims - D8 Plaintiff Closed
45D03-9304-CP-01245 PETER KATIC Civil Plen. OLD G3 Civil Defendant Closed
45D08-9607-SC-03490 PETER KATIC Sm. Claims - D8 Plaintiff Redocketed
45D08-9702-SC-00653 PETER KATIC Sm. Claims - D8 Plaintiff Closed
45D08-9711-CP-06212 PETER KATIC Civ. Plen. OLD D8 Plaintiff Closed
45D04-9610-CT-00906 PETER KATIC Civil Tort - G4 Civil Defendant Closed
45D08-0008-SC-03604 PETER KATIC Sm. Claims - D8 Plaintiff Closed
45D01-9401-CT-00078 PETER KATIC Civil Tort - H1 Civil Defendant Closed
45D08-9711-CP-06213 PETER KATIC Civ. Plen. OLD D8 Plaintiff Closed
45D08-9408-SC-03302 PETER KATIC Sm. Claims - D8 Plaintiff Closed
[b]45D08-0710-CM-01393 PETER KATIC CM D08 Criminal / Traff Defendant 05-10-1954 8523 D8PBSAT
[/b]45C01-0006-MI-00105 Peter Katic Misc. - C1 Plaintiff Closed
45D09-0701-OV-00183 PETER KATIC Ord. Viol. D9 Criminal / Traff Defendant 05-10-1954 8523 Closed

Action Code Action Description Disposition Disposition Date Offense Ticket Number Speed Zone
9-30-5-2 OWI Guilty Misdemeanor 01-28-2008 Class C Misdemeanor 07MU07267
Sentence Date 01-22-2008
Sentence Modification Date 01-27-2008
Credit Days 0
Consecutive/Concurrent Concurrent
County Jail
Start Date 12-31-0001
Sentence Duration Yrs: 0 Months: 0 Days: 60
Suspended Yrs: 0 Months: 0 Days: 60
DOC Jail
Start Date 12-31-0001
Sentence Duration Yrs: 0 Months: 0 Days: 0
Suspended Yrs: 0 Months: 0 Days: 0
Work Release
Months 0
Suspended Months 0
Community Service
Days 0
Suspended Days 0
Start Date 01-22-2008
End Date 01-22-2009
Suspended Duration Yrs: 1 Months: 0 Days: 1
Revocation Date 12-31-0001
Reinstatement Date 12-31-0001
Driver License Suspension
Start Date 12-31-0001
End Date 12-31-0001
Suspended Months 0
Modification Date 12-31-0001
Name Amount Units EntryDate
Community Service 180.0 Hours 01-22-2008
Probation User Fees 240.0 Hours 01-22-2008

9-30-5-2 (B) Operating While Intoxicated Endangering A Person Charge Dismissed State 01-28-2008 Class A Misdemeanor 07MU07267
9-26-1-2(2) Failure to Stop After Accident Resulting in Damage to Vehicle Charge Dismissed State 01-28-2008 Class C Misdemeanor 07MU07267
9-21-8-14 Following Too Close Charge Dismissed State 01-28-2008 Class C Infraction MU78397

Some Quick Facts about
Peter Katic (un edited as found on line)


Katic is entering his sixth season within the Information Technology Department of... [ New York Red Bulls: News: Article - ]

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A former state lawmaker was arrested after police said he showed up drunk at a ... Peter Katic was arrested yesterday at the Tippecanoe County Courthouse on a ... [ ]

For much of Thursday at Pete Kott's corruption trial, defense lawyer ... Hammond attorney Peter Katic, 53, was being held Thursday night in Tippecanoe County Jail ... [ Crime & Courts on Friday September 14, 2007 - ]

Indiana's trade mission to Japan produced one agreement with a manufacturer to put a ... Hammond attorney Peter Katic, 53, was being held Thursday night in ... [ Indiana on Friday September 14, 2007 - ]

Hammond City Judge Peter Katic isn`t a gambler, but he likes to double the odds against drunk drivers.Katic has served notice that starting Thursday, ... [ Judge Has Sober Remedy For Tipsy Holiday Drivers - Chicago ... - ]

A 34-year-old former Hammond city councilman Thursday was appointed prosecutor of Lake County, Ind.Jon E. DeGuilio, a deputy in the Lake County prosecutor`s office, ... [ New Prosecutor Named In Indiana - Chicago Tribune - ]

Some of the passengers on America West Flight 254 from Omaha, Neb., to Des Moines and ... Hammond City Judge Peter Katic places teen-agers on probation for alcohol possession ... [ White-Knuckled 'Grads' Face the Wild Blue Yonder - Los ... - ]

... offender sent to jail for earning poor grades was released early by the sentencing judge. Hammond City Court Judge Peter Katic has been criticized for ... [ 17-year-old traffic offender sent... - Orlando Sentinel - ]

Hammond City Judge Peter Katic blamed political rivals for reporting the incident to ... Katic invited a woman who works for the court clerk into his office on February 14, and ... [ Articles about Buttocks - Orlando Sentinel - ]

StarNet, the online service of the Arizona Daily Star ... Tosi director of media relations and Peter Katic information technology manager. ... [ ]

Advertise All headlines Calendar Contact us Subscriber services Mobile ... Tosi director of media relations and Peter Katic information technology manager. ... [ ]

Katic is entering his sixth season within the information technology department ... graduate of Montclair State University, Katic worked with the New Jersey Nets ... [ THEY'RE PROMOTED Red Bull NY moves up 6 in front office - ]

View the article here Why in the hell is a LAWYER doing deciding who ... Bailiff Chuck MOLTER said Peter Katic, 53, came to an 11 a.m. hearing in Tippecanoe ... [ MOLTER - Justia Blawg Search - ]

... against attorney and former judge Peter Katic, who they say caused a three-car ... Township Board member Peter Katic faces three misdemeanor charges in connection ... [ ]

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BlogNetNews human aggregation brings together the best of state, local and topic-focused blogs with the latest posts, ... Board member Peter Katic faces three ... [ ]

BALTIMORE ORIOLES--Purchased the contract of INF Ed Rogers from Ottawa of the IL. ... Tosi director of media relations and Peter Katic imormation technology manager. ... [ ]

Find 214 W. Illinois Ave, Aurora, Illinois 60506 on [ 214 W. Illinois Ave, Aurora, Illinois 60506 | BlockShopper ... - ]

Find 360 W. Illinois Ave, Aurora, Illinois 60506 on ... Peter Katic. 349 W. Illinois Ave. Michael Schoppe. 347 W. Illinois Ave. Mark Ellberg. 337 W. ... [ 360 W. Illinois Ave, Aurora, Illinois 60506 | BlockShopper ... - ]

'95 Newsmakers and the Strange Things They Said ... Peter Katic, president of the Lake County Board of Commissioners, said he didn't know when that board would ... [ A Timeline: Say What? | Year In Review | Chicago Reader - ]

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Date of Murder: December 4, 1977. Victim(s): Stephen Skirpan W/M/29 (No relationship to ... Method of Murder: shooting with handgun. Summary: Brewer and Brooks ... [ BREWER, JAMES #1 - ]

Anthony Katic. Beverley Katic. Darren Katic. Darren Katic. Darren Katic ... Katic. Davor Katic. Dusan Katic. Ivan Katic. Ivan Katic. Ivan Katic. Jill Katic. Joseph Katic ... [ People Directory - Abdul Katia through Michael Katin - ]

FOR: The National Trust - Peter Katic Manager. Contact_NAME: Mrs Valerie Laud ... you for information / apply etc Tel: 01729 830416 ... [ DES - ]

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Crimeblog. ABC 8 Portland (WMTW): Kampfs To Enter Pleas In ... North Township Board member Peter Katic has been charged by the Lake County Prosecutor in ... [ ]

A Hammond, Ind., city judge has sentenced eight teen-agers to jail for receiving poor grades in violation of probation ... report cards, City Judge Peter ... [ ]

17 Percent Fail City Drug Tests in Detroit - Seventeen percent of the ... probationers flunked drug tests and will go to jail, City Judge Peter Katic said ... [ ]

Airport Sky Diving Lawsuit Dismissed - A federal judge has ruled that St. ... Commissioners Peter Katic, D-Hammond...Steelworkers Local 1010 to allow the sky ... [ ]

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. gives feeds to websites without feeds ... orders/atty-discipline/index.html. In the Matter of Jeffry G. Price. In the Matter of Peter Katic ... [ ]

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But, Indiana attorney Peter Katic appeared in court with a blood-alcohol content more ... Supreme Court last year suspended Katic, who had previously served as ... [ The Disciplinary Actions for Substance-Abusing Attorneys Vary ... - ]

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The official web site of the Foxboro Reporter Newspaper ... arresting Peter Katic, 22, of 32 Pine St., Norwood, on a charge of possession of a Class B drug, subsequent offense. ... [ Foxboro Reporter > Archives > News > ARREST LOG, JULY 15: Man ... - ]

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The following Orders and Opinions are available in Adobe PDF format only. ... In the Matter of Peter Katic. 01.15.2009. 49S00-0810-DI-566. Order ... [ ]

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Bailiff Chuck Molter said Peter Katic, 53, came to an 11 a.m. hearing in Tippecanoe ... Peter was a mentor to so many new people at the Statehouse. ... [ The Indiana Law Blog: Ind. Courts - "Hammond lawyer arrested ... - ]

Katic, a former Hammond city judge and Lake County commissioner, was on Calumet ... Katic then left the scene in his 1997 Infiniti but was caught within three ... [ The Indiana Law Blog: Ind. Courts - More on "Hammond lawyer ... - ]

Updating this ILB entry from Oct. 7th, Susan Brown of the NWI Times reports today: ... Township Board member Peter Katic faces three misdemeanor charges ... [ The Indiana Law Blog: Ind. Courts - Still more on "Hammond ... - ]

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Hammond attorney Peter Katic, 53, was released late Thursday from the Tippecanoe ... Molter said Katic consented to a portable Breathalyzer test and registered a ... [ Ex-lawmaker arrested on intoxication charge | The Journal ... - ]

Peter Ladwein. JUDGE JON DeGUILIO (574) 246-8170. CASE MANAGEMENT. Scott ... Peter Katic. 933-2841. William Brown. 933-2841. Alexander Lopez. 933-2841 ... [ COURTS AND PERSONNEL COURTS AND PERSONNEL COURTS AND ... - ]

Peter Katic. 303 Ridge Road. Musnter IN46321. 219-308-2054. 219-836-0302 ... Peter Gilbert Koransky. Koransky, Bouwer & Poracky, P.C. 425 Joliet Street, Suite 425. Dyer ... [ Member Directory | Lake County Bar Association - ]

Cedar Lake Council-Ward 1. Robert Carnahan. Cedar Lake Council-Ward 5 ... Pete Auksel. Raplh Flores Jr. Richard J. Novak. Peter Katic. Ross Township Assessor. Angela ... [ Microsoft Word - Document2 - ]

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An Indiana lawyer shows up at the courthouse drunk and gets into a car accident. His ... By contrast, Indiana attorney Peter Katic appeared in court with a blood-alcohol ... [ - Disciplinary Actions for Substance-Abusing ... - ]

View listing of all attorneys in Hammond, Indiana. LawLink is the first social network for the legal community [ Listing of Attorneys, Lawyers in Hammond, Indiana - ]

Justia Lawyer Directory - Attorneys & Law Firms Chicago-Naperville-Joliet Metro Area - Lawyer, Legal Aid ... Peter Katic. 219-844-3020. View Profile ... [ ]

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XMPT wrote in Dermott Minions now stating No Sweet House? Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2011 9:04 am. Hammonite you might want to say a prayer to your God for freetime. She got back what she dished out.

PostPosted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:23 pm 
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Joined: Thu May 01, 2008 8:25 pm
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Neo... well it is not worth a reply.

Your guy seems like an outstanding Lake County Politician.

XMPT wrote in Dermott Minions now stating No Sweet House? Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2011 9:04 am. Hammonite you might want to say a prayer to your God for freetime. She got back what she dished out.

PostPosted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:38 pm 
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Now to be fair to Mr. Katic, the source of this information is the Indiana Supreme Court Disciplinary Committee. I came to their search page and entered his name. Out popped Eight contacts. Now I don't have the time to read them. Maybe some one else can scan thru them and inform us on those eight contacts.

Maybe they are commendations for good lawyering.


About 8 results (0.19 seconds)

In the Matter of Peter Katic

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Judge of the

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595 N.E.2d 259, Katie, Matter of, (Ind. 1992). *259 595 N.E.2d 259. Supreme Court of Indiana. In the Matter of the Honorable Peter KATIC,. Judge of the ...
This one is a hoot. Apparently someone pulled down their pants, a judge while on the bench, pulled down their pants to show their "undergarments" and portions of their bare buttocks in the presence of a police officer and female court clerk.

Now I have no idea of Mr. Katic was intoxicated or not, but drawing on a good deal of personal experience and having had many a memorible, some not so memorable or not memborable at all drunks, I don't think I had ever had the presence of mind to be that intoxicated, or maybe that is just it, no presence of mind to bare my ass to a group of individuals...

Mr. Katic, I salute! ... eter01.pdf

549 N.E.2d 1039, Katic, Matter of, (Ind. 1990)

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Supreme Court of Indiana. In the Matter of the Honorable Peter KATIC. No. 45S00~8903—JD-236. Feb. 12, 1990. Disciplinary proceedings were brought against ... ... eter02.pdf

. Northwest Region

Lake, Katic, Peter, Attorney, 219-308-2054. Lake, Malloy, Timothy O. Attorney, 219-922-3901. Lake, McManama, Patrick, Attorney, 219-864-7216. Lake, Miller ...



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Peter Katic. State Representative 1978-82. Lake Co. deputy prosecutor 1977-78. R. Jerome Kearns. State Representative 1971-74, 1987-94. John S. Keeler ... ... 4-2006.pdf



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Katic, Peter. Munster. October 11, 1977. 180 days9. Spielman, Kim H. Fort Wayne . June 8, 1987. 30 days10. Stites, Michael G. Rockville. November 8, 2002 6 ... ... nnrept.pdf

Attorneys in the General Assembly

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PETER KATIC O5/10f} 954. BESS KAUFMAN 01/09/1905. HORACE KEAN 0419.911 868. RAYMOND KEARNS 0509/1936. JOHN KEELER 07/I H1949 ... ... 6-1984.pdf Orders and Opinions Regarding Final Resolution in ...

01.20.2009, 45S00-0804-DI-179, Order, In the Matter of Peter Katic. 01.15.2009, 49S00-0810-DI-566, Order, In the Matter of Kenneth A. Harshey. 01.15.2009 ...

XMPT wrote in Dermott Minions now stating No Sweet House? Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2011 9:04 am. Hammonite you might want to say a prayer to your God for freetime. She got back what she dished out.

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