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PostPosted: Fri May 13, 2005 6:20 am 
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I wish the treatment of African Americans in America were as prioritized by the United States Government as the ongoing investigation of the deaths of the animals in the Lincoln Park Zoo in Chicago.


Last edited by Dwight on Fri Oct 07, 2005 5:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Fri May 13, 2005 10:53 pm 
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There are numerous civil rights laws in place now that grant protections to African Americans. In this country we have numerous examples of people of color rising above their meager beginnings to positions of status, wealth, and power in America. Anyone with determination and persistence can succeed in our country regardless of color. The answer is not for our government to give blacks special priorities. Black people need to start more businesses that take money from the “greedy white opportunists” and invest the money back into the ghetto.

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PostPosted: Sat May 14, 2005 1:22 pm 
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First of all "my friend", the civil rights laws you are referring to were "watered down" to accommodate the expectations of your kind. The progression rate of success for African Americans is insultingly inproportionate to the wealth of caucasians due to a minor setback we were subjected to as a result of being forced to build this country while you imigrants were making your mark.

Due to a deprivation of civil rights by your kind, the "meager beginning" we started at should be the primary reason African Americans should receive reparations for the construction of this country.

You're right, anyone with persistence and determination in this country can persevere. But wouldn't you agree, the starting point is inproportionately in your favor?

Why should Black People invest money into the ghetto? Your attempt to categorize all Blacks as inhabitants of the ghetto epitomizes the general white population of America, "my friend".

Dwight Taylor

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PostPosted: Sat May 14, 2005 8:20 pm 
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Ummm Rock Star - don't bother.

Dwight is not interested in discussion. He makes racist comments and isn't interested in dialogue or discussion.

People with his attitude - white and black and all colors in between - are beyond salvage. It is better to dismiss them and their ideas and hope that others can meet somewhere in the middle.

Go Bears!

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PostPosted: Sat May 14, 2005 8:56 pm 
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That is your opinion. The contents of it is either rejected or accepted by anyone who reads it. My opinion of how things are and how I think they should be is my opinion. What you think of it means virtually nothing to me, Sir.

Dwight Taylor

Last edited by Dwight on Mon May 16, 2005 3:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Sun May 15, 2005 11:19 am 
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This discussion reminds me of the Spike Lee movie "Do the Right Thing" where they are discussing how unfair America is becase the boat people were able to come to this country with nothing and had already opened a fruit stand in their neighborhood.

“At the core of liberalism is the spoiled child — miserable, as all spoiled children are, unsatisfied, demanding, ill-disciplined, despotic and useless. Liberalism is a philosophy of sniveling brats.”
P.J. O'Rourke

 Post subject: THE BOAT PEOPLE
PostPosted: Sun May 15, 2005 11:29 am 
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There is a distinguishable difference between the boat people's presence in America and African Americans. They came here. Our entry into America was different. We were brought here as slaves and we performed as slaves. During our enslavement, we were systematically and methodically programmed for failure by evil white individuals who have a lot in common with Adolf Hitler.


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PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2005 7:49 am 
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Taking a page from today's Wall Street Journal:

Scenes From the Class Struggle

Our item yesterday about Democrats' puzzlement over failing to win the votes of "working class" Americans prompted this interesting reply from reader Jonathan Kahnoski:

When the American intelligentsia bought the whole Marxist-Leninist vocabulary back in the 1920s and 1930s, they bought into the idea of social classes. Marxism-Leninism is a product of the European experience, with its long history of often rigid social classes (royalty, nobility, bourgeoisie, etc.). This vocabulary has had great appeal to Europeans, especially on the Continent. Today, Europeans claim their societies are more egalitarian than America's because of their social welfare programs, while completely overlooking how stationary their citizens are both geographically (what Frenchman will leave his birthplace to take a better job?) and socially (can a "working class" German aspire to a university education or obtain a bachelor's or master's later in life?).

The American experience has been quite different. From the colonial period on, the ideal of America was to free the individual from the artificial constraints of social class. In America, so the pitch went, every person was able to pursue his dreams, whatever they might be, without regard to family or place of birth. It is true that America's fulfillment of that dream has been imperfect, but not nearly as imperfect as the American intelligentsia would have us believe. Indeed, it might be that more Americans would strive and succeed if there was less talk about class barriers and more talk about freedom.

This is not to argue that every plumber mistakes his wrench for a scepter. The same working stiff who takes offense at being called "working class" is quite comfortable being called "blue collar." It is easy to understand why. A class is something you are born into, and trapped in--concepts completely antithetical to the American self-image. A collar, blue or white, is something a person chooses for himself--a concept congruent with the American ideal.

It is puzzling that so many American academics do not understand the great gulf between the European experience and the American experience. It is as if they say: Americans mostly are the descendants of white Europeans, therefore most Americans must think and feel and perceive themselves the same way Europeans do. The simplicity of this line of thought is tempting, but it demonstrates how little these otherwise highly educated and well-traveled people know about their fellow Americans. Perhaps they would feel more at home in Europe?

Thus, as you say, some janitors and secretaries and carpenters are insulted when they are referred to as "working class." However, perhaps most ignore the term because they don't associate themselves with "working class" or any other "class." They may agree they wear a white collar or a blue collar, practice a trade or a profession, but these they do by choice. They also will insist they are born-free, "jen-u-ine" Grade A, USDA Choice Americans and they don't know what class you are talking about. Bully for them!

To which we would add that most Americans probably consider themselves "middle class." But they do not understand this as a class per se, merely as a synonym for "normal."

Here's another way of looking at the whole question: One reason cries about "inequality" ring hollow in America is the radical egalitarianism that underlies our political culture. If all men are created equal, then differences in material wealth don't imply differences in the inherent worth or dignity of individuals. Thus there is no reason for differences in economic status to become a source of antagonism.

“At the core of liberalism is the spoiled child — miserable, as all spoiled children are, unsatisfied, demanding, ill-disciplined, despotic and useless. Liberalism is a philosophy of sniveling brats.”
P.J. O'Rourke

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PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2005 4:09 pm 
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Unfortunately, the necessary inbalance of wealth corroborates the actions perpetrated against African Americans and any other ethnic group by the oppressors. After all, this is not a Communist country.

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PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2005 4:51 pm 
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There is a distinguishable difference between the boat people's presence in America and African Americans. They came here. Our entry into America was different. We were brought here as slaves and we performed as slaves. During our enslavement, we were systematically and methodically programmed for failure by evil white individuals who have a lot in common with Adolf Hitler.

Blacks living today did not come to America as slaves. Whites living today did not have anything to do with bringing blacks to this country. Blacks of today are free to return to live in Africa if they like.

Most blacks don't want to return to the plains of Africa because their lives in America, even in the ghetto, are much better then the lives of most Africans starving, dieing from AIDS, and butchering each other with machetes in civil wars.

Why should Black People invest money into the ghetto? Your attempt to categorize all Blacks as inhabitants of the ghetto epitomizes the general white population of America, "my friend".

All black people are not inhabitants of the ghetto. My point is that blacks with money should invest their money in the ghetto to help out there own people to rise from poverty.

 Post subject: ASSISTANCE
PostPosted: Sun May 22, 2005 9:01 am 
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All white people are not inhabitants of the ghetto either. But the successful ones should lend a helping hand to the ones who reside in the ghetto as well.


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PostPosted: Sun Jun 05, 2005 8:24 pm 
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Dwight wrote:
First of all "my friend", the civil rights laws you are referring to were "watered down" to accommodate the expectations of your kind. The progression rate of success for African Americans is insultingly inproportionate to the wealth of caucasians due to a minor setback we were subjected to as a result of being forced to build this country while you imigrants were making your mark.

Due to a deprivation of civil rights by your kind, the "meager beginning" we started at should be the primary reason African Americans should receive reparations for the construction of this country.

You're right, anyone with persistence and determination in this country can persevere. But wouldn't you agree, the starting point is inproportionately in your favor?

Why should Black People invest money into the ghetto? Your attempt to categorize all Blacks as inhabitants of the ghetto epitomizes the general white population of America, "my friend".

Dwight Taylor

First, if I referd to "your kind", would you call me a racist?

Second, you make your own broad, sweeping statements by saying your kind and yet bristle at any reference to the ghetto.

Third, you're right. It is with the help of white men that members of the black community created a lot of the problems that they have. The white man created welfare.

A. It penalizes marriage. So, now 70% of black children in this country are born our of wedlock.
B. The welfare system has created a sense of entitlement (among whites as well) but there are a greater percentage of blacks on welfare then there are whites.
C. If you go back 40 years to the projects, their were husbands and wives living there with there children. They lived in the projects, but they didn't have the same problems. Granted, they had to deal with Jim Crow, but they were more concerned about breaking down barriers than building them up. They wanted equal education for their children. The wanted to be considered human as opposed to subhuman. But there is now a sense of entitlement. Like your argument for reperations. What would happen if the US government decided to give reperations? Would that heal the community? It won't. Instead of blaming whites for your problems, the communtiy needs to look inward and heal itself.
E. A lot of well educated blacks are are called Uncle Toms for bettering thmeselves so a lot of young blacks won't.

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PostPosted: Sun Jun 05, 2005 9:45 pm 
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No, I would call you an individual who opposes intergration.

The ghetto has no direct association with me or any other black person. There are more white inhabitants of the ghetto than blacks.

You're wrong! The white man provided the foundation. That same foundation has hidden contributable attributes to world disorder.

As you stated "70% of black children in this country are born our of wedlock". What you fell to mention was the rate of suicides among young caucasians due to depression. Depression brought on as a result incest.

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 06, 2005 12:09 pm 
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We weren't talking about caucasions as far as I know. You're trying to cloud the issue. How can you say I oppose intergration? If intergration didn't exist, my parents would have been thrown in jail. You make assumptions based on the statements I've made thinking only a white person could have made them. I'm not white, I'm mixed. But I can see reality for what it is.

The black community has to heal itself. If the white community were to interfere, they would be shut down and shut out. Unless it came in the form of taxpayer subsidized handouts.

As far as the ghetto is concerned (and welfare), a greater percntage of blacks (of the black community) live in the ghetto and are on welfare than the percentage of white in the white community.

What people with your attitude seem to take out of the equation is personal responsibilty. It goes for everyone. I don't care where you come from or the color of your skin, but you have to be responsible for your own actions. Yes, your ancestors were brought here against their will. The slave owners made the decision to engage in human trafficking. It was abominitable! And then there were the whites that ran the underground reailroad. The made the decision to go against what was easy and helped to end slavery in America. They made the right decisions. Personal responsibility.

Just as there are those that grow up on welfare, grow up in the projects and they let it keep them down. They make the choice to blame everyone (the white man?) for their own misfortunes. They drop out of school. They don't go to college. They have children at a young age and continue in the system. The men have children out of marriage and don't have child support. Those are choices that no one forced them to make. But they took the easy way.

Then there are the ones that grow up in the same circumstances that pull themselves up by there bootstraps. I went to school in East Chicago. I know people who grew up in those circumstances and they went to med school, they went to law school, joined the armed forces. I know people who got degrees from great schools that are making something of their lives. My senior class president had her first child at 13 and her second at 15. she's 26 years old and her son is half her age. But she rose above it. She went on to school, got a degree in business management and has built a life for herself and her children. She just got married 4 months ago to the band director at her church.

How easy would it have been to take the easy way? To stay on welfare and blame everyone else? But she didn't. And when I saw her last week for the first time since graduation, she looked happy. Really happy. Because she didn't take the easy way. And she took personal responsibility for her actions and made a good life for herself.

Not everyone fits into this catagory. It's not good to box people into catagories. Just like you shouldn't judge all white peoplewith one broad stroke. If you do, that makes you a hypocrite and a racist. That which you claim to abhor. You wouldn't beable to tell to look at me that my Dad isn't white, and plenty of people have made assumptions about me because of my blonde hair and freckles. So don't even think that you can guess what goes through my head based on the color of my skin.

Amy, why don't you stick to things that you do well like having kids rather than things you are neither capable nor motivated to even do poorly such as think and act like a mature adult - George T Janiec (I know,I'm childish)

What about the kids, George?

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PostPosted: Sun Jun 12, 2005 8:50 pm 
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I think black chicks are hot. :twisted: I'm not too fond of their hair though.

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